Here are a few considerations when making suggestion
  1. Include the Who, What, When, How Example: VCO members. Track Day at Cayuga . June . Meet at 123 Anystreet for the drive down together
  2. Lay it out with details of how it can be done
  3. Explain how you can help make it happen example: I will be the liason between the club and venue. I will do a write-up that can be copied and pasted to members and on our event calendar. I will keep a list of attendees and their email addresses and notify them as necessary. etc.
  4. Ask one of the directors to work on it with you. He/she can present it to the board to ensure there is no conflict with another event.

Note: Only our Pres and one other director can mass email to members. Our complete email list is never given out and mass emails are bcc'd to members.. This is our way of ensuring member privacy and limiting the amount of emails they receive, especially for those who receive emails on their cell phone. It also prevents unwanted solicitation.

Write out your ideas to present at the AGM. Our open AGM discussions are a good source for input from others however very often, the discussion detours off track before an idea can get finalized. Use the input you get at the AGM to help grow your idea and then follow the guidelines above to present it.

I will post, as an example my Poker/euchre night suggestion using the guidelines above.