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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Caledon, Ontario

    Viper Season Suggestions

    Here are a few considerations when making suggestion
    1. Include the Who, What, When, How Example: VCO members. Track Day at Cayuga . June . Meet at 123 Anystreet for the drive down together
    2. Lay it out with details of how it can be done
    3. Explain how you can help make it happen example: I will be the liason between the club and venue. I will do a write-up that can be copied and pasted to members and on our event calendar. I will keep a list of attendees and their email addresses and notify them as necessary. etc.
    4. Ask one of the directors to work on it with you. He/she can present it to the board to ensure there is no conflict with another event.

    Note: Only our Pres and one other director can mass email to members. Our complete email list is never given out and mass emails are bcc'd to members.. This is our way of ensuring member privacy and limiting the amount of emails they receive, especially for those who receive emails on their cell phone. It also prevents unwanted solicitation.

    Write out your ideas to present at the AGM. Our open AGM discussions are a good source for input from others however very often, the discussion detours off track before an idea can get finalized. Use the input you get at the AGM to help grow your idea and then follow the guidelines above to present it.

    I will post, as an example my Poker/euchre night suggestion using the guidelines above.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Caledon, Ontario
    Suggestion: Poker and/or euchre night
    Members can get together for a casual card night. Any member can offer to host it in their home and can choose which card game they wish to have and choose their own date if it doesn't conflict with other events. All members attending can bring their favourite beverage plus spit the cost of ordering in. The host can contact the attendees and decide what they'll order in. (pizza, chinese etc). The idea is to keep the cost to a minimum. In the event of bad weather, the host will not be out of pocket as much if nobody attends.
    Director John Wach has offered to host a euchre tournament at his home in Niagara. I will host a poker night in Caledon.

    Note: I will now contact one of the directors for approval,to arrange the date and then a write-up
    Last edited by bitn4ever; 11-04-2013 at 05:02 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Caledon, Ontario
    Suggestion: Canada Day long weekend in Montreal
    A previous Canada Day long weekend in Montreal had a really good turnout. I'd like to suggest it again for 2014. Canada Day is on a Tuesday in 2014 so not sure if companies will give the Monday off instead of the Tuesday. Any ideas about that?
    PS - I am offering to plan it. If we plan in advance, we might be able to get the Quebec club involved for a track day there.

    Note to members: The Canada Day long weekend has been the only long weekend we plan an event. It's been understood that members don't like to commit to other long weekends as most use them for personal/family planning.

    I welcome any feedback to this idea.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The True North Strong and Free Ontario, Canada
    Those both sound like great suggestions Mary. I'm in on both of those considering I'm free July 1st. Let me check my schedule. haha.

    I was racking my brain again today and came up with a great thought to get feedback and ideas. All which can be put into one big pot and analyzed according to most frequent or most voted. that can be decided later.
    Here is my thought. Can we send out a mass email to all members asking everyone to come up with what they would like to see as far as events or changes. What affects each individuals decisions for attending and what their thoughts would be towards these issues. I have found in the past that people like to hide behind a computer when making these sorts of decisions. It makes it "easier" to ask when not face to face. The AGM is great for that but, I have found that most members are gun shy when out in the open like that. I know I'm not but most seem to be. Why do I say that? Well I've talked to a few members out of that realm and found many had input regarding issues covered during the meeting yet chose to say nothing because of the hype or what not when in that circumstance.
    So on that note, I think asking every member to participate in this question and answer period via email would be helpful and rewarding. Like a yearly census, you have to reply. After all we are members and members should participate in the decisions and requests of the rest. It only makes it fair to everyone. It should not be left to a few as Jay stated earlier," this is a collective effort'. I totally agree.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Caledon, Ontario
    Reply posted on the fridge door in the kitchen lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Peterborough Ont Canada
    How about a great turn out for the Canadian Tire motorsports IMSA weekend we are not that far... we could bring a BBQ.. enjoy watch the SRT team at work.. have a few eats July 12-13 weekend

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The True North Strong and Free Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    How about a great turn out for the Canadian Tire motorsports IMSA weekend we are not that far... we could bring a BBQ.. enjoy watch the SRT team at work.. have a few eats July 12-13 weekend
    Sounds like a plan. I'm in !!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    A few of us went last year , great venue
    I'm sure it will get addressed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Any plans for a trip to the Conner Avenue plant?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    We did that 9 months ago , but stay tuned for another plant tour , to be announced shortly Those who join early , will Benifit from it !
    Last edited by J TNT; 02-19-2014 at 05:05 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The True North Strong and Free Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by J TNT View Post
    We did that 9 months ago , but stay tuned for another plant tour , to be announce shortly Those who join early , will Benifit from it !

    I will make sure I make it this time. That is one event that I don't want to miss again and one event no one should miss for that matter.

    Thanks for setting this up again Jay.

    Any word on a date for the AGM ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Mosport is a great meeting place! Here's a pic of Ralph and I from last summer:


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Caledon, Ontario
    Tommy, in reply to your suggestion, Brent has already started working on it and there will be a 'Survey' section on our new website. Once we go live with our site, members will be notified and encouraged to go fill out the survey. Crossing my fingers, toes and even eyes in hopes that the majority of members fill it out.



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