This is on a 2008 Vert. I installed the IPSCO underdrive pulley and smooth tubes from RSI. All pretty simple.
It started back up fine. Was showing a CEL and the Throttle warning light. Drove it around the block and all seemed well from how it was running, but it was giving me a P0098 code, which is Intake Air Temperature sensor 2 circuit high. I checked the plugs on the airbox, disconnected, cleaned with air, reconnected, all looked fine.
Figured I would give it a drive across town to see if the CEL went away. I assume the car went into limp mode, as it started running very rough and limited RPMs. Got it back home. It is showing me a bunch of codes now. I looked up all the codes here:
P0098 (Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage)
P0100 (Mass Air Flow or Volume Air Flow Sensor Circuit)
P0113 (P0113 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Voltage Too High)
P1109 (IAT – B Sensor Intermittent)
P2104 (Throttle Actuator Control System – Forced Idle)
P2110 (Throttle Actuator Control System – Forced Limited RPM)
I have checked all connections etc. Everything looks fine. I cleaned out the all tubes with a microfiber cloth dampened with glass cleaner. I tried not to make contact with the sensors in the tubes. I am wondering if I damaged one? Any inside would be great. Thanks.