Just found out that our trusted Colorado SRT-Certified and all GENs-experienced main Viper TECH (Glenn P) who has supported us boys and girls both at dealership (Warranty) and from his home Ranch garage for the older Vipers at a reasonable price, has sold his CO house and moved his family to Dallas, TX. In addition to others, he personally worked and upgraded my Vipers for over 8+ years without a single issue. For us in Colorado, he tackled everything from simple maintenance to fully race upgrades, superchargers, turbos, engine builds, etc. all with the experience to get it to run right at altitude. He was pretty much the go to guy!
Sad day as we are back to the stone ages in Colorado with regards to trusted Viper support! Regular maintenance is one thing, anyone can do that to these cars. Performance upgrades is another thing.
Personally, though my main issue is the available time (and to some degree-space) to work on the car, if we can't find another talented, trusted and Viper GEN specific experienced Viper guy stepping immediately, then looks like I am going to have to send my Viper over to my long time trusted Saleen/Shelby/Cobra tech to get him familiar and supporting Vipers (at least mine). It's that or I have Snap-On send me a new catalog and take out a 3rd on the house.
Then again "Great day in Dallas, Texas". You snagged a good one from us.