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  1. #1

    So If Production is stopped

    Why don't they take advantage of that skip 2015 and do an mmc like they did for the gen iv. Make it a 2016 model and hey bring the vert that you were working on. It would be a great reintroduction. Man we know they cant knock on the door of the f12's power levels but Mr. Giles already said it is good for 700. Why doesn't FIAT let them release a 700hp key or anything to utterly destroy the new Z06 while not looking like an 80's transformer that will look old in 2 years.

    And all these little things like a power boost, a vert release and a "new" model are all things that American Buyers love....
    Last edited by Big Miata; 04-24-2014 at 04:54 PM. Reason: fixing

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Mopar Garage
    Not sure a vert is even going to happen.


  3. #3
    They went from closed in April for a couple of weeks to see you in June. Bet it's lights out indefinitely. Hope all the naysayers are happy.

  4. #4
    I kinda was thinking that too but, I'm a glasses half full mentality. With Big Brother Fiat in the financial seat it would behoove them business wise to pull the plug completely. If they could pull the plug for one year and try a re-launch with just the acr bring it back and make the base have 660 hp. Im telling you just like when they broke 500 hp. With a headline viper breaks 700 hp all motor. That might be what it takes to sell the required 1200-1500 a year for the project to be worth it (averaging diminishing returns).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Tonopah, NV
    Sounds like you guys aren't going to be at the raffle or tour Conner Avenue. I should bring both of my Vipers, three good-looking women to the raffle with me, and beg for a test drive of the 2015. There's no "pity party" for me in Auburn Hills this summer.

  6. #6
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    Whats the with debbie downer attitude.

    I'd bet you'll see the Vert shortly. 2/3 of Viper sold have been Verts, it is what people want.

  7. #7
    Nah what I want is an Aventador Roadster. Now where is that 1/2 mill I need....

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    Nah what I want is an Aventador Roadster. Now where is that 1/2 mill I need....
    lol. the 650s has caught my eye. need to sell another business!

  9. #9
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  10. #10
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post

    I'd bet you'll see the Vert shortly. 2/3 of Viper sold have been Verts, it is what people want.
    I think this post ^^^ is where it's at... Where's that link about Viper being the #1 vert if made... LOL one writers opinion... but still

  11. #11
    Yeah, I have been debating weather I want to make the trip or not. Driving it from Washington would be insane and add about 5 k on the car. Or flying in would probably be easier. I di just become a member. A new viper would look great next to a classic. 1 out of 500 eh ...

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Policy Limits View Post
    The 650s is an awesome machine. I hope SRT picks it to benchmark against for the ACR.

  13. #13
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    I think the more power option is going to die out. Not just for the Viper but, with all the sports car and this HP era we have been gong through in the last decade. It looks like all the hype is starting to reside.
    The Vert will be the next car and some refinements will be in store for the coupe along with new color combos.

    There will more than likely, not, be another ACR for 2015. Maybe 2016. The concentration camp looks like its focusing on the Challenger (hellcat) and Cuda debut in 2015 or 16 for the Cuda.

    Maybe that is why the Viper is on hold for the time being. Diversity is a good thing. Never put your eggs in one basket. Spread the wealth. Invest wisely.

  14. #14
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    SRT seems to think that Viper owners (or potential buyers) are only looking for neat new colors. We'll see 23 new crazy colors/combos before we see a vert. This was proven at the NY auto show. SRT needs to take some pointers from what GM is doing; giving the customers what they want. Oh, and you can kill any thoughts of ever seeing an ACR.
    Last edited by Austin; 04-25-2014 at 12:39 AM.

  15. #15
    I dunno I like the colors. Adds a bespoke edge to he car that it deserves. If I was 10 years older (wealthier) I would definitely get a color that popped. It seems that he already released the offroad pcm so maybe it might be a good idea for them to just do colors and special editions and work the kinks out. As a business sense they need to produce the car as long as the government lets them. Everyone else is going smaller forced induction engines, it is like he 80's all over again.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by slitherv10 View Post
    I think the more power option is going to die out. Not just for the Viper but, with all the sports car and this HP era we have been gong through in the last decade. It looks like all the hype is starting to reside.
    The Vert will be the next car and some refinements will be in store for the coupe along with new color combos.

    There will more than likely, not, be another ACR for 2015. Maybe 2016. The concentration camp looks like its focusing on the Challenger (hellcat) and Cuda debut in 2015 or 16 for the Cuda.

    Maybe that is why the Viper is on hold for the time being. Diversity is a good thing. Never put your eggs in one basket. Spread the wealth. Invest wisely.
    people have been saying this for the past 20 years, and it hasn't come true yet. The age of performance is not over, just the age of cheap performance.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Austin View Post
    SRT seems to think that Viper owners (or potential buyers) are only looking for neat new colors. We'll see 23 new crazy colors/combos before we see a vert. This was proven at the NY auto show. SRT needs to take some pointers from what GM is doing; giving the customers what they want. Oh, and you can kill any thoughts of ever seeing an ACR.
    People want change and uniqueness. It's super easy/cheap to provide more colors, hence the different colors. Developing some aero and maybe some suspension work for an ACR is easy/cheapish. I think that will happen before a vert. Even though I think a vert is what SRT needs to start being a bit more successful with this Viper.

  18. #18
    How about an ACR vert? It's been done. Why limit? Offer coupe, targa, vert, base, performance. That's what the C7 offers & they're flying off the shelves.

  19. #19
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    How about revving up the threads and posts in that "SRT Headquarters / Factory Area"? That is why it is there.

    As far as the doom and gloom in parts of this thread, what is it still snowing at your house? Come on Spring is in the air, new performance and slightly mod-able PCM has been released, new owners added every week, new Vipers are selling and inventory is going down.

    Why the piss poor "Bobby pulled Sally's pig tails in the school yard" crap? For all those on the Vette bandwagon here, just go out and buy the Vette already! Be done with it I know I have harped and harped against the new C7 and variants, but I honestly and truthfully do not see what the hell people are attracted to that car. It is just not an attractive automobile. Then again, maybe it is me. I never thought Texting nor this #Tag stuff would take off either. Guess I am a dinosaur relic at 40 because I like classic automotive style, lines and true artist expression by hand?

    Either way, there is still plenty to be excited about in Camp-SRT and Club-Viper!!!!

  20. #20
    how do you find out what number member you are?

  21. #21
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    log into the portal B SRT, click on forgot password you'll get an email. with your info

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creatre View Post
    People want change and uniqueness. It's super easy/cheap to provide more colors, hence the different colors. Developing some aero and maybe some suspension work for an ACR is easy/cheapish. I think that will happen before a vert. Even though I think a vert is what SRT needs to start being a bit more successful with this Viper.

    Ok, I can totally understand that one and have no problem with unique colors/combos, etc... However, when your competition unveils their halo car AFTER you, but also continues to introduce other iterations of said halo car because customers are asking for it, then you have a problem. A big one. Im not a brand loyalist in any way, shape, form or fashion, nor do I side with any particular car because I like it more than others. Im a Viper guy, but Im a realist as well, and the real fact is, GM is making more of an impact among car guys/gals than the SRT because they're making cars that people want. Just because someone likes a Viper and is shopping them doesnt mean they're going to purchase one if SRT isnt offering them what they're looking for.

    Hypothetical example (I like coupes and verts just for the record): If I were in the market for a GEN V, but all that is offered is a coupe, Im not going buy a coupe if what Im really wanting is a convertible. Why waste my money? There are other cars to look at. We wont see an ACR, and the reason I say this is because IMO, I feel SRT almost feels the TA is their ACR. The TA is what the Viper should have been from the get-go. A vert should have followed shortly there after. We should be looking at seeing an ACR at this point.

  23. #23
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    This is what SRT needs.

    Last edited by Austin; 04-25-2014 at 06:04 PM.

  24. #24
    I don't see why people seem to think that I support the Bette. I do believe it is a great compromise sports car. Let them have all the automatic convertibles. This car is and will always be America's only exotic. It just seems with all the inventory they should do a 2007 and skip the 2015 year and reintroduce with some more tweaks in 2016. A lot more people are going to buy a 65k hellcat challenger. They need to focus on that to make money. I am saying they could take advantage of this closing by ramping up another re-release.

  25. #25
    I'm so glad SRT had the guts to build this Gen 5 and I LOVE mine! Would be nice to see a vert for those die hard convertible buyers but I wouldn't trade my Track Pack for anything in its price range.

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