Well...I'll start with stock as a box of rocks, and go from there. Just tracking down a throttle relearn and then I'll be off to the races, so to speak.
Well...I'll start with stock as a box of rocks, and go from there. Just tracking down a throttle relearn and then I'll be off to the races, so to speak.
I wouldn't be surprised if they bring out the 2015 V & then start releasing the ECU. Maybe some other goodies to.
Are we "Any day" now ???
This is precisely why I'm pretty sure that I don't fit in here...I simply don't understand how owning a car with a 5:1 weight/HP ratio can be compared to being a battered wife. Is the only value of the Viper to most of the people here as a life-style device, with the HP indicating how hard-core you are? I would understand this if everyone that made these comments raced their cars, and underperformed, but I don't think that's the case...
I race my car all the time. AutoX, Road Race, Street Race, Roll Race and this fall Drag Racing. And yes it significantly underforms in the mile, half mile, roll racing venues. In some of those environments it needs 1000hp+ to even finish at the bottom of a 40 car bracket.
AutoX and Road Race it over performs and I love it, more than I ever thought I would. I just want the choice, and the ability mod the car without having to choose the all or nothing (i.e. TT's + stand alone + massive budget) approach.
Forget the performance of the car, it is beyond what 95% of the people that own them can even utilize on the track (let alone on the street). My post is specifically aimed at Chrysler/Fiat about the rest of the situation the current Viper (and even Gen 4's) find themselves in.
-There is nearly zero Mopar performance parts available for our cars. (I'll bet at this years SEMA you will see 5 to 10 new Mopar products available for the Hellcat by first quarter of 2015)
-The parts that are available (ACR aero, Gen 5 aero, etc) are insultingly expensive. And when you do want to buy a part, there is often nothing on the shelves.
-The dealer support is a joke....maybe this is how Chrysler wants them to act, but I just cringe when I see posts about a rear window breaking....ok, it broke. But weeks and weeks to fix it?
-As others above have stated, some would like more performance in the way of forced induction, etc. But with they way the Viper computer is set up, it's not going to happen without spending $20k plus on just engine management systems.
-Standard Chrysler replacement parts are also often back ordered.....wtf??
-The lack of marketing to promote the Gen 5 (or at least some productive marketing that wasn't a continual disaster)....it's like they didn't want it to succeed.
Could I be swayed to move into a new generation Viper?....yes. Two things would make me jump right now:
-Some sort of auto transmission in the current platform
-A mid engine Viper
Lack of sales is not really about performance (read horsepower)....the correct perception, value, excitement, marketing and support of the vehicle is what is missing and holding it back....and a lot of us.
I agree with the above. re mid-engine. As for the pcm. It seems to be turning into another failed marketing ploy(Ralph said it would be available in April). There are absolutely no performance parts available from Dodge for the Viper.
I too am on the list for the new OR PCM. I hope that the Chrysler/FIAT attorneys can find a way to greenlight the release of it but alas, I have little hope for that; here's why....... They seem to pucker at the drop of a hat. I recently purchased a 2014 Dodge Ram 2500 Longhorn Edition pickup for towing the enclosed trailer. BTW, it is the best tow vehicle I've ever owned. Anyway, I accessorized with aftermarket items, one of which was MotoMetal wheels and Nitto Terra Grappler tires. The OEM tires were 80 PSI and the Nittos are 65 PSI. The air pressure sensors are of course set at 80 PSI and alarmed with low pressure with the new Nittos. When I took the truck in to have the pressure sensor reprogrammed to accomodate the Nittos I was told by the dealer that STAR (Dodge's dealer tech support) told them that they would not allow the pressure sensors to be reprogrammed at the behest of their legal department. The reason? Braking system is not set up for oversized tires and thus created a liability for Dodge. My Nittos are the same size and load rating as the OEM tires and that point was made but to no avail. So now my tire air pressure alarm is on full time and there is not a damned thing I can do about it. So it has occurred to me that if the Chrysler/FIAT legal dept. is that uptight about something as simple as that, they will most likely NEVER get over a new PCM for the Viper. And BTW, I took this through the system and got the same answer from two different dealers who both dealt with it through STAR. I tried to enlist help of a Chrysler customer advocate as advised by national customer service, opened up a trouble report as advised; I have yet to hear back from the customer advocate for almost 8 weeks now. In the meantime, I drive with the air pressure alarm on all the time. I sure hope I don't really have a problem with low pressure in one of the tires while I am driving because I won't know about it until it is too late thanks to the continuous air pressure alarm. When Chrysler lawyers up, they really dig their heels in. New OR PCM? I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. One thing I learned in business is that when you start letting the lawyers run your business, it ain't good.
Last edited by PaulB; 08-17-2014 at 11:39 AM.
WHY could SRT/DODGE do what ford did with the :"track key" on the mustang GTs .... two keys TWO programs..simple..sign the waver
Not really looking to fool the system, especially when I am towing. I just want the system to alarm on a different rear tire pressure. The front sensors are ok since the original front tires are 65 psi just like the front Nittos, it's the rear tire pressure that is alarming. The original rear tires were 80 psi, the Nitto rear tire pressure is 65 psi.
On a different note, if Chrysler is so worried about liability I would think that the situation I am in now where there is basically no alarming on low tire pressure is as much a liability as anything. Oh well, we'll figure it out....
my 2013 ram 2500 has a "light load" switch that i can turn on for lower pressures.