Just like Christmas with PCMs under the tree for all the good boys and girls!
Well I am sticking with the HPTuners software for now, Still have the ability to load in a race gas tune, and 93 tune, or back to stock if need be. I like being able to make adjustments and not be stuck with one set tune.
I am interested to see one of the Woodhouse cars with one compared to all the great HP Tuners numbers they have seen.
Its like seeing Bigfoot after all these years
But really; they should be really close to what we've already seen from HPT results.
It will all depend on how aggressive they set it up - there has to be some wiggle room to account for variances from car to car, and that wiggle room will have been added to the safe side (less timing and more fuel, most likely).
The Gen 4 Mopar PCM could account for changes from stock all the way to ported heads - the stock cars gained very little, but the ones that added mods that will typically lean a car out (headers, ported intakes, etc.) faired quite well, but you could only take that so far. Recall Toddy from BBG trying to run a set of his long tube headers on the engine dyno with a Mopar PCM - it leaned the engine out too much, and was thus unsafe. I'm curious to see just how flexible the Gen 5 variant is in off-the-shelf form, granted they can apparently make adjustments post-sale unlike the Gen 4 offering.
Something that might be pretty cool would be if you could piggy back HPTuners software on top of the Mopar ECU, thus giving you the added throttle response and lack of torque management crap from the Mopar ECU but still give you the opportunity to tune for more agressive fuels and specific A/F adjustments to your car with the HPTuners stuff on top.
so I have been sleeping through this whole process, is there a mopar computer that's a plug n play for a stock t/a viper? plus if so whats the advantage per say? thx
Mark, it's been like 3 hours since you opened that box. No dyno sheets posted yet? What's up with that. Slacker.
Not that anyone is anxious or anything. It's great to see these exciting things for our cars, and our awesome vendors getting more things to offer and work their performance recipes up with. Good times.
As crazy strict smog is in California, most counties do not have smog checks in remote areas. I have friends that have bought vacation "cabins" just to register their modified cars and diesel trucks there to avoid smog testing.
Funny thing, less than 1 hour north of San Francisco is a no smog check county. Once the car is registered there it gets no smog checks unless it is sold and has to be re-registered.
I'd love to "look under the hood" of one...does anyone know if they still use the same rolling encryption scheme as before?
I guess more to the point, if they have indeed added throttle response, then they've disabled some or all of the checks that are keeping us from doing the same with HPTuners. If we know what those parameters are, Keith can look for them and potentially add it to the list of adjusments for current HPT users.
If we can figure out what those parameters are, there is a chance Keith can find them in the code and add it to the list of things we can adjust. This is all assuming the Arrow PCM does indeed alter throttle response. I'd also be curious to know what else has been relaxed.
Anyone know if these Arrow PCM's can be read and flashed by HPT the same as the stock ECU?
The Arrow car I drove at NARRA/PittRace (which was provided by Viper Exchange I beleive), had a prototype PCM and full exhaust. Can't say if it was my imagination or not, but it sure felt like the throttle respond was better. And this was just around the paddock.
Sure hope I wasn't imagining things.
Last edited by Simms; 02-05-2015 at 04:29 PM.
I'd be careful with this one...although it may be possible, you'll end up overwriting the Arrow tune with the canned Gen 5 OEM tune if everything is the same as the Gen 4 cars. The reason is due to the rolling encryption (at least my understanding of it)...HPTuners can't actually read out the Gen 4/5 PCMs, only write over what is already there. If you do this, you'll lose the benefit of the Arrow PCM. Arrow might be able to flash it back, but I'm sure they'd be unhappy about it if not tell you to go pound sand and buy another.
People said the same thing about the Mopar PCM in the Gen 4 cars...Mr. Jorgensen indicated that this was merely a byproduct of the leaning out of the AFR, and not the result of changes to any tables affecting the pedal vs. throttle gain or opening rate.
What you noticed could have been very real, but not due to the reason we're thinking (adjustments to throttle response parameters).