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  1. #401
    Join Date
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    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve M View Post
    I think his point was more "why do you care?" rather than "ha ha, you have a nearly 20 year old Viper". There are always tire kickers that will complain about everything even though they have no intent to buy a product, and that seems to be the case here.

  2. #402
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve M View Post
    Unfortunately, no one has tried forced induction yet with HPT, but it sounds like there might be some on-going projects that will give it a shot.
    There is a running orange twin turbo TA in Austin running the stock ECU tuned with HPTuners. Antonio Calvo of Calvo Motorsports is spearheading that endeavor.

    Results look promising thus far. So the Gen V (and Gen IV) options are opening and expanding quite rapidly.

  3. #403
    Join Date
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    Montgomery Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by rlhay2 View Post
    There is a running orange twin turbo TA in Austin running the stock ECU tuned with HPTuners. Antonio Calvo of Calvo Motorsports is spearheading that endeavor.

    Results look promising thus far. So the Gen V (and Gen IV) options are opening and expanding quite rapidly.
    It's running without issues? I know Antonio but haven't seen him post any progress recently regarding that project.

  4. #404
    Join Date
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    Dayton, OH
    Quote Originally Posted by rlhay2 View Post
    There is a running orange twin turbo TA in Austin running the stock ECU tuned with HPTuners. Antonio Calvo of Calvo Motorsports is spearheading that endeavor.

    Results look promising thus far. So the Gen V (and Gen IV) options are opening and expanding quite rapidly.
    No shit? Do they post on here at all? I'd love to hear any details...even Keith @ HPTuners wasn't sure how far you could rescale the MAF tables in an FI application.

    How much boost?

  5. #405
    Bruce H.
    The quickest way to forget about 900 hp smog compliance and expense is to get into doing lapping days. It sounds like all the power you could ever want or use on track will pass emissions with just the PCM controller swapped!

  6. #406
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    Dec 2014
    Regrettably, I do not have the details.

    I am following his build and this Mopar/Arrow Supercharger news very closely!

  7. #407
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by mjorgensen View Post
    Just an FYI the Gen3 system, as things got more strict, never did get a CARB number, we installed almost 200 of these on new cars over the years, but lost out on every car we sold to California buyers :-(
    Thanks Mark, I remember the Paxton ads would have a note stating CARB exemption was applied for. I guess it never happened.

  8. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Headache and burning eyes in short order? Maybe just a tad over dramatic lol. I can say I have never experienced either with my catless Vipers.
    Honestly, I Wasn't trying to be over dramatic. I had my cats off for a short period of time. I'll admit , I have a descent size cam that isn't helping the situation, but after driving behind my car I was pretty shocked how stinky it was. Anyway this thread isn't about cats, it's about making HP. Like I said in a different thread, buy a new Viper in CA and you have years to do what ever you want. If I had the dough, I'd have a T/A and id be licking my chops waiting for the blower package. Five years from now id dump it and start the process over. I can always live vicariously through you guys!

  9. #409
    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    It's running without issues? I know Antonio but haven't seen him post any progress recently regarding that project.
    I have talked with Antonio and I'm pretty sure that car is a Motec car not a PCM car.

  10. #410
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by mjorgensen View Post
    I have talked with Antonio and I'm pretty sure that car is a Motec car not a PCM car.
    My info was outdated, Mark is correct; currently not an option with the OEM PCM and HPTuners
    Last edited by rlhay2; 01-29-2015 at 01:34 PM.

  11. #411
    Regarding smog issues and avoidance, there are 3 local Ford GT owners that have highly modified cars (twin turbos, etc) and have their cars registered through some lawyer up in Montana that sets up a dummy corporation, etc. You can even get a Montana drivers license. You do end up with Montana plates which stick out like a sore thumb.

    I'm sure it is just an attorney that works out of his bedroom doing this. I'm afraid to try it, but my friends have been doing this for over 4 years with no issue. You can see ads for these types of "services" in the DuPont Registry, etc. IIRC it costs about $1500.00 to have this done.

  12. #412
    I still need ported heads/intake!

  13. #413
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camfab View Post
    Honestly, I Wasn't trying to be over dramatic. I had my cats off for a short period of time. I'll admit , I have a descent size cam that isn't helping the situation, but after driving behind my car I was pretty shocked how stinky it was.
    I can attest to the validity of this statement... His car, is loud, stinky and hauls ass... beautiful job you did with your car Camfab
    Use the Report a post feature... It works!

  14. #414
    Join Date
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    Rocky Mountains
    Not sure what part of my previous posts in saying I am trying to do everything I can to get into a new GEN V this year, you guys missed. I bought new in the past, bought used in the past and will by new again. Just because I did not buy a new 13 or 14 during a very serious time in my life means I have no dog in the hunt for future purchase. Get over yourself. I will drop it as the argument is pointless at this stage.

    Andy based upon past communications we have had, I know exact what you meant and twist as you want now, it was inappropriate.

  15. #415
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve M View Post
    I think his point was more "why do you care?" rather than "ha ha, you have a nearly 20 year old Viper". There are always tire kickers that will complain about everything even though they have no intent to buy a product, and that seems to be the case here.
    Couldn't have said it better.

  16. #416
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viper Girl View Post
    I can attest to the validity of this statement... His car, is loud, stinky and hauls ass... beautiful job you did with your car Camfab
    Thanks Kala, not to drag this further off topic, but I just swapped the OEM cats back in. Tomorrow is d-day at the smog shop. We'll see if it passes with the new Star system, plug-in to big Brothers main frame.....

  17. #417
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coloviper View Post
    Not sure what part of my previous posts in saying I am trying to do everything I can to get into a new GEN V this year, you guys missed.

    Andy based upon past communications we have had, I know exact what you meant and twist as you want now, it was inappropriate.
    I did recognize your intent, even acknowledged it in my first response that seems to have offended your personal insecurities. I clearly mentioned you planned on buying. And, I am not Andy, nor have I had conversations with you. Quit being so sensitive, this is a Viper site, not a Corvette site.

  18. #418
    So when are GenV Pcm's available? More waiting.

    Ive held off on negative comments but damn guys get your act together. Ford and SCT release tuning options the day the cars hit the lots. Viper now 3 model years in...

    Im sure the Arrow PCM will be great for its intended purpose. But there must be a bunch of paperweights sitting in boxes right now.

  19. #419
    I have 20 arriving tomorrow so they are being delivered. There was a slight delay for a programming tweak. We have 10 more coming in a week and standing orders for 20 more.

    Quote Originally Posted by mblgjr View Post
    So when are GenV Pcm's available? More waiting.

    Ive held off on negative comments but damn guys get your act together. Ford and SCT release tuning options the day the cars hit the lots. Viper now 3 model years in...

    Im sure the Arrow PCM will be great for its intended purpose. But there must be a bunch of paperweights sitting in boxes right now.

  20. #420
    Great to hear.

  21. #421
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by TrackAire View Post
    Regarding smog issues and avoidance, there are 3 local Ford GT owners that have highly modified cars (twin turbos, etc) and have their cars registered through some lawyer up in Montana that sets up a dummy corporation, etc. You can even get a Montana drivers license. You do end up with Montana plates which stick out like a sore thumb.
    People register cars in Montana as you do not pay sales tax on registering the car. Lots of very expensive cars are registered in Montana as it saves owners a bunch of $$. There's even companies that setup everything for you and mail you the plate. Google for details.

  22. #422
    Join Date
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    The Montana thing is also getting cracked down on too.

  23. #423
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by mjorgensen View Post
    I have 20 arriving tomorrow so they are being delivered. There was a slight delay for a programming tweak. We have 10 more coming in a week and standing orders for 20 more.
    Great news Mark. Thanks, Allan

  24. #424
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I'm really glad to see this finally happen. Seems like a long time in the making? I'll be sticking with HPTune for now(mopars loss). Waiting to see how things pan out. In the mean time I'm saving for the twin screw..

  25. #425
    Quote Originally Posted by MTGTS View Post
    People register cars in Montana as you do not pay sales tax on registering the car. Lots of very expensive cars are registered in Montana as it saves owners a bunch of $$. There's even companies that setup everything for you and mail you the plate. Google for details.
    Just fyi, nothing about this is legal in California... .

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