So, I know there are like a billion threads from ancient history on motor (& tranny) mounts. I've done a bunch of reading on the how to's and stories/examples of bad mounts once they've been removed etc. Also, read a fair amount regarding the Woodhouse poly mounts vs stock - some added initial vibration which fades a bit over miles etc.
My question is looking for some help assessing whether I should be replacing mine or not. I'm going to be pulling the headers in the next week or so which is what is prompting the question - as long as I have things torn apart and the space to work, if they should be replaced (or will in the near future), I might as well do it now. My hesitation is that I don't actually know whether it's entirely necessary and if I do replace them, I'm thinking I'll go with the Woodhouse mounts for longevity - so that's a ~$375 question (I am open to arguments on OEM vs Poly - 99% of everything else on my car is going back to factory).
To my car then:
I did a quick visual inspection of the motor mounts from the top and neither driver nor passenger is pancaked or has any really obvious distortion (though you can't see all the rubber). My car ('96 GTS) has 53k miles on it and I have no idea if they've been replaced before or not. On engine start, the motor does move a bit, but not really more than I expected - hard to gauge exactly how much movement. The shifter moves toward the passenger about 1/4" or so when I start rolling from a standstill under very light load, and under hard acceleration maybe another 1/4" or so. So in total it plays between 1/4" and 1/2" toward the passenger under varying levels of acceleration. I haven't done a hard launch with a quick shift to try and feel movement while attempting to grab 2nd. Again - nothing that seems extreme, but observable movement in the shifter. When the car idles for more than a minute or two it does sometimes get into a vibration rhythm where the whole car rocks a bit left/right. This is observable both inside and outside the car.
So - kind of feels like I could be convinced either way - that everything sounds normal and don't waste the money. Or that there's enough movements & vibration happening it'd be good to swap them. Just looking for peoples insight & opinions if they feel so inclined.