Have debated a while about just keeping these and adding some track tires and lack of room makes it easier to sell. 6 Spokes are in the top 4 for lightest OEM Viper wheel for those looking to shed a few pounds.
These have been on my '09 for 9 years and are in very good shape. They had/have plastidip on them the entire time - so no idea how easy/hard it's going to be to remove the plastidip if you want the stock bright aluminum finish. (If you're really serious - I'd consider renting a high power pressure washer to remove the dip as many have said this will be the easiest method.)
Tires are shot! One rim does have a small bit of road rash. I could have the tires dismounted to assist with shipping costs. Buyer pays shipping. I'm located in Phoenix and do get to CA/UT/CO on a semi-regular basis - so might be able to help with shipping/delivering them for the right price. Happy to share additional pics and info so that you're happy with the purchase.