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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    VOA 2023 Budget Balance Status

    VOA Financial Status update:

    2022 was a transition year to get VOA back on track. Based on membership and sponsorship funds we finished the year in excess of $50K which goes into a cash reserve; our "Holy Cow" fund for future VOA financial emergencies
    With about 1300 paid members last year, the following was delivered in 2022:
    1) 4 x VQM magazines provided to membership before 31 December 2022 (hard-copies shipped to Mamba members in January 2023)
    2) $55/member returned to the region - regions voted in 2021 to reduced their take to help National find enough trade-space in 2022 and get its liabilities under control
    3) Lifetime VOA Membership cards issued to all 2022 members (those that joined late in 2022 will get them here shortly)
    4) Approved VOA budget that was adhered to in 2022 with additional reductions found - VOA membership dues must cover 100% of all services being provided to membership as voted on and approved by VOA BoD
    5) Monthly VOA budget status posted on the VOA Member's only portal
    6) BoD meetings briefs and minutes/notes posted on the VOA Member's only portal
    7) All 2022 liabilities paid for, NO BILLS CARRIED FORWARD for 2023 membership to have to worry about (SBA Loan is the exception)

    2023 is off to a great start, we are $138.00 off from being balanced based on membership dues being collected from 968 members. So, two more people need to join/renew for the VOA to be balanced for 2023
    What will be delivered in 2023:
    1) 4 x VQM magazines to be provided to membership before 31 December 2023 (All members get the virtual Magazine and Mamba members continue to get the hard-copy magazine service they paid for)
    2) Viper Quarterly Magazine virtual library for all VOA members to enjoy - starting with VQM-30
    3) Spirit of Viper program web debut; Brian Willey has been working hard with the founders of the Viper to provide a webpage filled with personal biographies and stories from the Viper team - more to follow
    4) $75/member returned to the region - taking only 1-year to get all our programs balanced and within budget (BoD initially voted for $65/member regional split but National's financial cuts allowed for $75/member split)
    5) Membership cards issued and a membership letter sent to our brand new members in 2023 (Your membership cards you received in 2022 have no date - lifetime membership cards)
    6) 2023 Welcome aboard Membership letter sent to every member who renewed
    7) Approved VOA budget that will be adhered to in 2023 - VOA membership dues cover 100% of all services provided to membership (balanced with two more renewals/joins, Japan usually brings 25 Mamba members/year...)
    8) Monthly VOA budget status posted on the VOA Member's only portal
    9) BoD meetings notes posted on the VOA Member's only portal
    10) A budget that includes the repayment plan for the SBA loan which does not have to start until March 2024 (we will be banking this $9,444 of 2023 funds (or $9,306 if no one else joins) into additional cash reserves)
    11) Already, a banked excess of $15K from our sponsors in 2023 as we have just starting our advertising push ($15K is not included in above, we do not budget sponsorship money within VOA Budget Proposals)

    So, putting it all together, the club is expected to finish out 2023 with $24,306 for our cash reserves if we do not get another member to join or if we do not get another sponsor in 2023!

    Yes, we are already financial sound for 2023.
    The plan, as we go into 2024, is to carry forward a total cash reserve of about $75K as we begin the actual repayment of the SBA loan in March of 2024.

    Spirit of Viper is a separate program ran by the National Team that collects donations to help offset the cost of the program which includes travel to attend events like NVE-4 and NVE-5; no membership dues are used!

    National Viper Events (NVEs) are now a separate program that must collect cash contributions from members attending the event to pay for the event; membership dues no longer being used to offset these events!

    Thanks again for all your support, we look forward to another great year which will include NVE-5 in Colorado Springs... hope to see you there!
    Last edited by viperguy69; 03-02-2023 at 09:10 AM.



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