My window was making a racket and then seemed to get stuck trying to come up so I figured the plastic bosses that keep the window in place broke and I ordered the Doug Shelby engineering upgrade fix. I pulled the door apart and even by hand I can’t move the window into place to fix it. It’s like the front portion is stuck and won’t slide up. Instructions said to disconnect the battery so there’s no power to try to do it electrically. Is this still just these plastic pieces or did the regulator fail and lockup? I’d rather not take the entire door apart if possible. Idk. Any thoughts?2D648E05-858C-4091-8901-604CB210E392.jpg7C8799E3-0080-4A1F-A4F7-B26B7C23B2D3.jpg43B03AEC-3A92-44BA-9750-B7258CA3A850.jpg