Greetings Earthlings and all fellow Viper owners… At this moment i’m trying to reach any and all members here in Oregon. I’m in Tigard and i know there are others throughout the state just not a lot of us. I’m hoping that WE as a group of owners can build an members list for our use only… i know some of you don’t want the label of an official region for VOA so i propose we keep this informal and create a rouster so that we can connect with each other especially in dry months to perhaps do day drives or whatever Viper activity we want. So how about it??? Let’s try this again to be a group and have some fun.
Also are any of you going to NVE5? I am, i’ve already made my 1/2 way motel reservations since i figure 2 days makes for a long drive but do-able. It would be great to have others going so as to caravan as a group. Hoping that others from Wa. club will have a group going as well. I know it’s 9 months away but time flys and i like pre planning so as no suprises.
So come on people let me here from you, don’t be shy, no excuses, doesn’t cost anything and ya just might have a good time.