Hello all,
That was an interesting holiday party. Luckily the power stayed on long enough to finish our dinner. Thanks to all who attended, I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and got home safely. We had 25 members attend and had lots to giveaway. Thanks for all that helped before, during and after. Was great seeing everyone.
One announcement made during the dinner, sadly Brian Kennedy will be stepping down as treasurer after so many years as an officer. His family and work life have gotten very busy so he decided to let someone else step in that can be more available for the club. He has stayed on the last year or so as a favor to me as I transitioned my role with the club. It has made it so much easier having him there for guidance. On the positive side Seth Green will be taking over at treasurer. Seth was secretary several years ago before moving away and then coming back to our region. He has a lot of experience with our club and about everyone knows him very well.
Lastly, it's that time of year. 2023 renewal time. Please renew ASAP so that we can budget for next year's events. Carolina members, renew before Jan 1st and get entered for a drawing for a $100 visa gift card.
