Originally Posted by
nth moto
with all due respect, it better be less cost if you as the customer have to be out asking the general public what camshaft profile you should be running instead of them. They should be educating you on the pros/cons of each and have the data behind those specifications for accurate realizations of the end product. And it's possible they do, and if so, you should be listening to them.
On the topic of cost, if it's an apples to apples comparison (ie, same included components as "standard", same general processes being done) the only cost variance can be the shop labor rate and amortization of development cost required to get to their end product. I can tell you that we completely revised our cylinder head program which cost some significant dollars in development and testing which netted us 30 wtq gains in the midrange and very little at peak power, so while the customer may not see it on the dyno (because most only look at peak) you sure can tell when driving it. That's what those costs have the chance to gain you - and in no way does that make one right or wrong; that's up to you and how you value your investment.