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If you look at the non-ring tracks the GT2 RS and ACR ran on, you will see nigh equal times, some favoring the GT2 RS and some favoring the ACR, depending on track figuration. For instance, look at the Zolder vid I posted and the Laguna times. In both those tests, each car was on different rubber, the GT2 being on newer, better rubber. The GT2 has a faster time on both those tracks but its literally by 1-2 tenths, which is too close to say either one can't beat the other. That could just be a tire choice variable or just taking a turn slightly better and either could be the victor.
The Laguna and Zolder test was not on equal rubber like this test Todd put on so this test speaks volumes about both cars strengths and weaknesses one toward the other. Long fast tracks the ACR doesn't have a chance since the delta between the acceleration is much greater than the delta between the handling. But on tracks like TH, the ACR will clearly win, given equal rubber.