Originally Posted by
Rare Snake
This is a bit refreshing to read. Lately I have been balancing that fence on whether or not I should sell the car. I've got so many great stories and experiences and these cars draw attention like I have never seen in my life. You can't go anywhere without smiles, cameras, and thumbs up on the way by. Gas stations always become Q&A sessions, and the real Viper fans even used to get to sit in it on many occasions. I have met so many incredible people because of these cars (Hello MN folks!). But somewhere along the line, I became too aware of all the negative attention it can bring too, and I have a hell of a time shaking that crap off. I used to just laugh it off, but I'm now at the point where I'm taking the bait from some of the idiots who have something stupid to say when I'm out with the car. "Must be nice" used to get a smile and a polite thank you. It's my least favorite phrase now, and the answer is usually "Damn right it is." I just can't deal with negative people anymore. I read a story once about a guy who bought an orange Superbird, and he hid it behind his house where it rotted for years. He couldn't take the attention it got and didn't even want to drive it anymore! I feel that now too, and I completely understand it. It can be exhausting some days. So to make a short story long, I'm still debating turning in my Man Card and selling the car to someone more deserving who can handle the heat. This is a more difficult decision than even buying one in the first place... or a second one... or the third one...
As a bonus, here are my best lines I've ever heard from Police Officers:
Wow, I caught you speeding, but you could have been going a lot faster, couldn't you? (Gen 1)
Where do you work? Business must be good. (Red Gen 2 GTS)
Are you a drug dealer? (Gen V GTS)
Will it beat my Tahoe?
"Wanna race?" (While sitting at a red light on cruise night in Winnipeg)