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  1. #1

    Rod bearing halves offset

    Asking here for more eyes.
    I found this on my Mahle H series rod bearings. Some are better than others. The measured clearance is even all the way across, just the bearing halves are offset a bit they do not run into either chamfer. Anyone have seen this issue? Is it even an issue?
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  2. #2
    Did the bearing the came out line up? I would not run them. That is not right!

  3. #3
    This is a new motor, these are the h series narrow bearings.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    North Alabama
    Some rod bearings are designed as uppers and lowers to move the bearing away from the fillet in the crank. Are yours marked?

  5. #5
    Yes they are marked. And installed correctly. (Still offset if Reversed)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    New Braunfels, TX
    It certainly looks bad, but do both halves have the same offset as shown? If so, then perhaps this is a way to use a narrower bearing shell and still cover more surface area of the journal with a bit of a flattened spiral shape.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by GTS Dean View Post
    It certainly looks bad, but do both halves have the same offset as shown? If so, then perhaps this is a way to use a narrower bearing shell and still cover more surface area of the journal with a bit of a flattened spiral shape.
    That’s what I was thinking Dean, it’s my first time using the narrow bearings I just want to make sure that this is correct from someone more experienced than myself.

  8. #8
    Are you still running the stock crank?

    Narrowed bearings also brings up the issue of rod bearing chamfers. Most performance rod bearings are designed with a chamfer on one side of the bearing to accommodate the large radius on the edge of the journal. Since the inboard side of the bearing avoids this fillet radius, there is no need for a chamfer on both side of the bearing.

    I would call the manufacture, just to be safe.

  9. #9
    The tang placement on the bearings is correct to mahle specs, however with the halves lined up the distance to the outside of the tangs is .550 the distance to the outside of the slots on the rod are .650. These are K1 rods, I don’t have any stock rods to measure. I’m going to try a set of p series as those halves are the same and should fit.

  10. #10
    Rods may have been manufactured wrong? Or could be some new design, I don't know... See if you can get one stock rod to compare.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    North Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramtuff View Post
    I’m going to try a set of p series as those halves are the same and should fit.
    I believe these use the same bearing as the Hemi's, you could get cheap one from Auto Zone and see what it does.

  12. #12
    Update, confirmation on the bearing fitment for K1 rods. Finally received my CB-481HXN (X= .001 extra oil clearance, I needed it). These are the older LA engine and pre 2003 bearings. One good thing is there are more options in this series. It would be nice if K1 put that info on their website to save people some headaches. I can’t wait to find out the next issue!!

  13. #13
    Now that looks Right, Thank for the feedback!



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