ouch, that hurt!
ouch, that hurt!
I thought the Green pump meant it was for the go faster fuel? You're telling me it isn't? I did have a hard time getting the pump in to the receptacle! Had to wedge it.
are you good to go yet?
nope. It's going to be heading north on a flatbed tomorrow sometime. Possibly bad cat(s) or gas. We will see!
Did someone say $.99 margaritas?
If I knew how to post pics, I would show you how I would be arriving tonight!
Karen sent me a text that a lot of calls are coming in if the car show is on for tonight. Clarence is your Viper Trax electric engine headingto Omaha?
Another good week at Don & Millies. 60 cars came thru during the evening and how often do you see this.
Not very often, especially since yours only see the light of day 3 or 4 times a year!![]()
Wish I could have been there but there was a NASA event this past weekend and Friday night I had to get set up for Time Trials. Got my butt waxed by my ole buddy Mark Kirby and his 1996 GTS. We met years ago running in Viper Days together ( 1999 ) and he still has the same beast. He ended up running a 1:32 and change to set a new track record in TT1 at Mid America Motorplex. The extra bonus was he ran the fastest time of anyone this past weekend. Would have been fun to have one more ACR down at Don and Millies, and hope to make it the next time around!!
That would be cool to see how many Gen IV ACR's we can get to one showing! I'd pay money for that!
Oh who am I kidding, I'm a cheap A$$!
Bruce, when are we going to see that Red 97 at D&M's?
If you play your cards right it will be there This Friday. Clarence the outdoor speaker is now working too.
Would like to see the detail job you did! And look at another Viper.
Will be nice to add some music to the festivities!
anyone going tonight?
I will be there and Josh is bringing his 97 I detailed.
Awesome, can't wait to see it!
Since I don't think I've been there when it starts, what time are you getting there? 5:30?
I work till 7, but going to leave early, hopefully by 6 I will be there.
pics from 05/09
How many heading out to D & M's tonight?
I'm in.
Wish I could have made it
you missed one of the most unholy of holy's. we had to witness a Viper get pulled over by the authorities!
You know I had to laugh when I read this. I thought wow maybe the law actually pulled someone over for driving to slow. So in my head im thinking poor Bruce had become a victim of the 1500 rpm club. But certainly this could not have happened since he is the First one on site and the last one to leave so none of us can witness this travesty! Lol. That poor ACR has never seen 4th gear!
Until Friday. .. to be continued. ........