I have heard about the slave problems before but never paid attention because mine was fine. But I believe its gone now. Here is what happened.
This year I change all the fluids. Noticed the clutch fluid was basically dry. Weird but the clutch felt good still. Topped it up and it held.
I have drove the car 500-1000 miles since and then yesterday out of nowhere the clutch felt soft and was not working much at all.
Got home and checked the fluid was basically gone again and there was vacuum like suction when I unscrewed the clutch fluid cap.
Added more and it held but still the clutch is soft and not good.
Question 1 - So is this the standard clutch slave problem? Could it be anything else?
Question 2 - Should I change the clutch while Im under there also? Is it worth the extra work or wait till its gone? Im not even sure what a bad clutch feels like honestly.
Questiomn 3 - Is there anything I should look at before doing this and ordering the parts?