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  1. #1

    Question T56 transmission oil Amsoil or Redline or else

    Is any of you guys tried and compared different oils for your T56 ?

    Just trying to get smoother shifts....

  2. #2
    Amsoil website recommends 75W-90 for my car and Redline website recommends 75W-85

    And that article explains the differences:

    Uhm. Cold Canada weather = 75W-85 ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    This should start an interesting, possibly emotional thread !! It comes at a time when our original Viper "factory fill" fluids are disappearing from the parts departments of C-J-D-R dealerships.

    Let me first say that at my age, I am not an experimenter with our street-driven Vipers. Hell, I am just trying to keep them going down the road in a reliable fashion.

    By your question, are we to assume that your T-56 does not shift smoothly? If "yes" is the answer, how much of the usage has been casual street driving versus track use? Was the track use road course, drag racing, or both? It it "OEM" or "built"? What fluids have been used in your transmission in the past...along with maintenance schedule while in your ownership? Are you the first and only owner? Have you been analyzing your drained so, results?

    As to fluid used by others: I expect to see a wide variety of fluids used...for all types of reasons...complete with glowing testimonials as to the efficacy of their individual choices. I doubt we will see any scientifically controlled, matched studies (let alone "blinded") coming from individuals. Possibly, professionally managed race teams may add some solid info...though sponsorships may skew their opinions. I doubt manufacturers will add any data at all.

    Whatever you choose to use, avoid GL-5 lubes in a T-56...including those GL-5 fluids labeled "GL-4 compatible".

    Let the fun begin !!

    P.S. There are fantastic T-56 rebuild shops out there just waiting to hear from folks wanting beefed-up, longer lasting, buttery smooth T-56's.

  4. #4
    This should start an interesting, possibly emotional thread !!
    /insert ''Well, that escalated quickly'' meme

    I'll sure keep the T56 rebuild option in mind (or TR6060... to open another can of worms) but before that I'll give a try with fluid ''upgrade'' even though I don't expect that much of a difference.

    But here is the info: no track (this year), cold climate (Canada), high-rev engine soon...

    Engine I have at the moment delivers 580 crank horses. Whether or not my T56 will handle the 750-ish HP of the new engine, that's a question/problem for future me. ;-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    You might want to contact Donato Engineering to discuss your best option.

  6. #6
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    Fort Worth, TX
    I moved to Motul Multi-ATF when I did my fluid change in last July. I'll be changing the rear trans seal and driveshaft U-joints soon, and have considered changing it again. I'd be more interested in hearing what the track/high mileage junkies run though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I use Tremec's Fluid.
    Beware if you have an early T56 transmission with the “carbon paper” friction rings this fluid has not been tested.
    Last edited by daveg; 05-03-2022 at 02:21 PM.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2013
    usncfieldmp, if I was planning to run a Viper with a T-56 in
    a serious road course/enduro event series, I would contact someone with a high level of hands on Viper track car maintenance whose career spans the whole Viper era and who continues to support those same cars using today's fluids...Dan Cragin at Specialty Performance Team, Alhambra, CA.

  9. #9
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    Dec 2013
    Steve, that's a great point. OP, if you do reach out to Dan, please post that conversation.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by daveg View Post
    I use Tremec's Fluid.
    Beware if you have an early T56 transmission with the “carbon paper” friction rings this fluid has not been tested.
    I looked into running that initially, but the concern over "early" transmissions gave me pause since I was only a few months into ownership.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-Indy View Post
    usncfieldmp, if I was planning to run a Viper with a T-56 in
    a serious road course/enduro event series, I would contact someone with a high level of hands on Viper track car maintenance whose career spans the whole Viper era and who continues to support those same cars using today's fluids...Dan Cragin at Specialty Performance Team, Alhambra, CA.
    Probably not a bad idea. I'm still just street driven - but HPDE and Autocross events are in my immediate future in addition to putting lots of miles on mine.

  11. #11
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    Hi. Dave.

    As I recall, Dan posted some specific suggestions here within the last year. I have been looking for them without any far.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-Indy View Post
    Hi. Dave.

    As I recall, Dan posted some specific suggestions here within the last year. I have been looking for them without any far.
    Im just sitting on my Butt right now, let me see if I can help you and find something..

  13. #13
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    Oct 2013
    On this topic Dan posted on 7/2/2020:

    "Castrol Syntorque is the brand Dodge uses in the Mopar bottle. BG Synchroshift I like better. Both are good. Dont use ATF4 in a Gen 2"

    In response to a "why?"

    Dan further wrote:
    "Syntorque reduced the neutral gear rattle issue in the Gen 2 cars. Thats why they went away with ATF. With changes to the transmission and engine on the Gen 4-5 cars they went back to ATF4.
    ATF4 provides good shifting in cold weather but just does not hold a load like gear oil. Anyone who tracks or makes big power should switch to gear lubricant."

    I hope this helps !!

  14. #14
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  15. #15
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    I wonder if Castrol Syntorque was tested and approved for “carbon paper”
    I use to run ATF+4 but did have some NGR with it.. Its gone with the Tremec fluid.
    Last edited by daveg; 05-03-2022 at 03:42 PM.

  16. #16
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    I suspect that some fluids used by manufacturers start out as "best guess" choices based on experience.

    When Mr. Cragin makes a specific suggestion about the use of a product in a Viper that is regularly driven under extreme conditions (racing) needs to pay attention as I doubt anyone on this earth has taken care a similarly high number of Vipers that he has serviced and continues to service. Seeing repeat customer cars return over a long period of time offers a unique view of real world needs and results.

  17. #17
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    I love these fluid threads.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-Indy View Post
    On this topic Dan posted on 7/2/2020:

    "Castrol Syntorque is the brand Dodge uses in the Mopar bottle. BG Synchroshift I like better....
    Quote Originally Posted by GTS Dean View Post
    BG sounds like the winner to me. Interesting that I feel like I've never heard about it previously.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-Indy View Post
    I suspect that some fluids used by manufacturers start out as "best guess" choices based on experience.
    That and probably some light sponsorship.

  19. #19
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    Oct 2013
    "That and probably some light sponsorship"

    ...or, heavy sponsorship !!

  20. #20
    Finally went with Redline MT-85 (75W85). It replaced the ATF +4 from last year.

    So far, it feels better. But I'll see with some more extreme temps.

    I'm still having a bit of a problem sometimes with first gear and especially reverse. I've been told it's probably clutch-related. Surprisingly enough everything is ok when the car is cold but get's worst when the car warms up.
    Last edited by Aevus; 05-04-2022 at 12:26 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aevus View Post
    I'm still having a bit of a problem sometimes with first gear and especially reverse. I've been told it's probably clutch-related. Surprisingly enough everything is ok when the car is cold but get's worst when the car warms up.
    This does sound clutch related. I'd remedy as soon as possible since every shift puts extra wear and tear on the synchro's fighting against a clutch the doesn't fully release....

  22. #22
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    South Florida
    How can I determine if I have an “older” style with the carbon paper rings? I’m due to change the oil this year and now confused

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Old School View Post
    This does sound clutch related. I'd remedy as soon as possible since every shift puts extra wear and tear on the synchro's fighting against a clutch the doesn't fully release....
    Yes I agree

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph L View Post
    How can I determine if I have an “older” style with the carbon paper rings? I’m due to change the oil this year and now confused
    My understanding is that they switched away the paper rings around '98. Once I read that I just went on the assumption that I have them.

    Picked up my Syncro Shift II over the weekend; am waiting for my order of gaskets and oil filters to come in from Parts Rack before I put the car up and change everything.

  25. #25
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph L View Post
    How can I determine if I have an “older” style with the carbon paper rings? I’m due to change the oil this year and now confused
    I believe Tremac started using the carbon blocker rings in T56 99 or 2000. Previous was paper blocker rings and synthetics did not get along with those.

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