Hey all, looking to get some ideas on the possible cause of a P0153 code that myself and my shop have not been able to clear up. That code is related to a slow response on bank 2 sensor 1. So far here is what has been done. I've replaced the front 02 sensors with the factory NTKs cleared the code and it came right back. Tried some Denso O2 sensors and that did not work either. I added RT high flow cats in case that would help although I wanted those regardless to lessen the fuel smell. Ironically I wasn't getting any codes for 02 efficiency on the rear O2s even being catless. I smoke tested the exhaust and found an exhaust leak on that side. At this point I was sure I found the problem. I broke two bolts off in the head and at that point I ran out of time and patience and sent it to my local performance shop. They are not super well versed in Viper's but there is one other Viper in my area that gets worked on there (AR Autoservice). There isn't really any good Viper shops anymore it seems in the Portland OR area and this problem seemed relatively straight forward. The shop confirmed the exhaust leak and noted the engine was running lean on that side but not causing a code for lean condition. They got the manifold off and found a burnt exhaust valve on the cylinder with the exhaust leak. The head was pulled on the passenger side to get the bolts machined out of the head and all new valves and pushrods were installed and a new head gasket and exhaust manifold gasket installed. While this was all being done, i had them clean all the injectors in case that was causing any issue. They put it all back together, smoke tested the intake and exhaust and all was good. Then they took it for a drive and the O2 monitor was still not switching fast enough and the CEL and P0153 code came right back. They installed the Denso O2 on that side and the monitor switches faster with that O2. In fact its switching as fast as the drivers side but still setting off a P0153 code. Resistance check on the wires for both O2 sensors is the same. The voltage switching appears to be about the same on both sides yet still the P0153 code comes right back. I'm at a loss and the shop isn't sure what to do to get it to go away. everything appears to be working correctly and the engine is running perfect but still causing the code and CEL. The shop did some of the troubleshooting driving it on a dyno to control the environment and said everything is working right. They even dyno tested the power for me while it was there and they said it put down about 450 whp (I haven't seen the dyno graph yet though) so clearly it runs well. About the only thing left to consider is that maybe its a problem with the PCM.

I'm in a state where i have to pass emissions tests and a CEL is an automatic failure although I've now figured out that since my car is a 1997 and is 25 years old, I can register it as a "special purpose vehicle" and then I only have to register it once and i'm done and no emissions tests. If i can't figure it out, I may just have to live with it but I don't like knowing there is something wrong and that it could potentially result in some other unanticipated issue that will be a problem.

I guess i should list all the mods on the car in case that helps. 1997 GTS: Corsa exhaust, Random Technology (now Belanger) High Flow Cats, smooth tubes, and K&N filter.