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  1. #1

    Buying a 2016 or 2017 ACR

    Hi everyone,
    I hope I can get some help on this. Been thinking a lot lately on buying a ACR for 2 main reasons. 1 its such a good street track car and 2nd it is a possible investment. But one thing holding me back is this economic situation we are in. I know I will drive it a lot and probably keep it for a long time so I want to have one especially if it increases in value maybe later on. And there is just nothing like it anymore now that everything is going electric. Some people were telling me this. So do I just wait until maybe if prices drop or go for one pretty soon?

  2. #2
    Price will stay the same or going up, 250k to 300k is gonna be the norm.

  3. #3
    Life is to short, if you want it and have the means, go for it.

    We may see a small dip at some point but who really knows. IMHO, In the short term I expect that they will continue to hold their price and possibly continue to appreciate.

    I remember watching the previous generation Ford GT's when they started to drop and were dipping in the 140's. I was a buyer at 125, but they never got there and they have never come back down.

  4. #4
    4000 Ford GT produced and less than 1000 ACR gen 5 produced...

    Both are rare but the ACR pricing may not be affected by an economic crisis, except maybe few cases of people in urgent need of cash...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    IF you really want it get it. If you think you are getting it for an investment and you are going to drive it a lot I wouldn't count it going up in value. Look at any collector car that is high miles. Never brings a lot of money compared to low mile car.

  6. #6
    This is not the time to jump in and buy a hyper inflated expensive sports car. Or damn near anything else.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Forney, TX
    You'll need to find one with miles. It'll most likely hold it's value but not appreciate


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