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  1. #1

    My Gen 3 Viper Paxton build

    I’m in the process of adding the Paxton blower to my already built bottom end. Figured I’d give everyone the info on the build as I know there are others currently in the process. I’ve done a complete fuel system to not use paxtons fuel setup. Many people have been very helpful along the way with this. Mike from Havik performance. Torrie from unleashed. Brent Barr, Danny Breach, Tony at JTSVP. To name just a few. I know I’ve spoken to a lot of people in the viper world before installing everything. Very great community we have.

    RSI in tank twin pumps
    -8 feed line to inline fuel lab filter -8 to the rail.
    RSI fuel rails -6 crossover. -6 return to the fuel lab fuel pressure regulator then -6 back to the tank.
    Regulator set to factory 58psi with 69lb injectors.
    Added snow methanol kit SNO-211-BRD. In trunk mounted 2.5 gallon tank.
    Upgraded frozen boost heat exchanger 7x3.5 inch this will fit behind the factory bumper brace without modification. But it’s tight! You will have to make brackets to work.
    Upgraded Bosch coolant pump for heat exchanger.
    Anyone looking to upgrade to the ATI balancer you will need the ATI 916266 crank pulley. It is no longer available. I am currently searching for it and am on a waiting list with ATI for it to be made.

    So far the build has made 815hp and 758tq without the Meth, remote tuning with Torrie at Unleashed, using HP tuners on the stock PCM.

    Photos to follow.
    Last edited by RobertP; 12-11-2021 at 10:28 AM.

  2. #2

    I did not like the hose supplied with the kit for the oil drain. I replaced the fitting to accept-6 return line to the oil pan.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    New Braunfels, TX
    The package looks really nice and makes good power. Please - CONFIRM - that the fuel hose liners are rated for alcohol fuels!!!!!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by GTS Dean View Post
    The package looks really nice and makes good power. Please - CONFIRM - that the fuel hose liners are rated for alcohol fuels!!!!!
    yes sir all fuel components are E85 compatible. I'm currently still on the stock PCM so I'm running 93 octane. one day ill step up to a stand alone ecu to upgrade to a flex tune.

  5. #5


    first little video.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    Last edited by RobertP; 12-27-2021 at 09:08 AM. Reason: adding video

  6. #6
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    North Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertP View Post
    I had wheel hop like that take out 2nd gear in my T-56.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Old School View Post
    I had wheel hop like that take out 2nd gear in my T-56.
    yikes I hope mine holds up for a little bit. I did just shift early when it started hopping to get it to stop in the video.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    North Alabama
    Thank you for posting, this project may be in my future.
    Last edited by Old School; 12-27-2021 at 01:01 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Old School View Post
    Thank you for posting, this project my be in my future.
    Absolutely. Don't hesitate to ask me anything. I installed it all myself. I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have.

  10. #10
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    North Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertP View Post
    Absolutely. Don't hesitate to ask me anything. I installed it all myself. I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have.
    Thanks, that will be in the future, right now I'm in the money gathering phase.

  11. #11
    wonder how difficult it would be to take a 3rd gen kit and mount it up to a 4th gen... biggest difference id assume for mounting would be the intake? any thoughts?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by drasch21 View Post
    wonder how difficult it would be to take a 3rd gen kit and mount it up to a 4th gen... biggest difference id assume for mounting would be the intake? any thoughts?
    Realistically yes I agree that the intake would probably be the only hurdle there. I know I’ve seen the F1X blower installed on a Gen 4. So there’s got to be something available to make that happen.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    FTW, TX
    Hey Robert, I just started on this install last week, in fact just posted my progress in a thread here, then noticed your thread.
    I have read all the way through the install manual, and laid out all of the parts. I did email Paxton to see if this was the only parts in the Tensioner Assembly, but have not heard back.
    Can you verify that this (pic below) is all that was in your Tensioner Assembly, 4PCW111-052?
    Also, do you have any detailed pics of the mounting plate install, there are a few things in it I was not sure of??

    Great to see someone else doing this also, I search a lot before deciding to take it on and did not find a lot. I have an SRT10 truck that already had this setup on it, but the mounting plates and position is different on the truck.

    Many Thanks!


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by 2quik6 View Post
    Hey Robert, I just started on this install last week, in fact just posted my progress in a thread here, then noticed your thread.
    I have read all the way through the install manual, and laid out all of the parts. I did email Paxton to see if this was the only parts in the Tensioner Assembly, but have not heard back.
    Can you verify that this (pic below) is all that was in your Tensioner Assembly, 4PCW111-052?
    Also, do you have any detailed pics of the mounting plate install, there are a few things in it I was not sure of??

    Great to see someone else doing this also, I search a lot before deciding to take it on and did not find a lot. I have an SRT10 truck that already had this setup on it, but the mounting plates and position is different on the truck.

    Many Thanks!

    I did not use the tensioner tool that you have pictured. I was able to do it with a pry bar.

    Did you download the instructions from Paxton for it? The mounting plates were very straight forward to install. I'm sure I can get you photos of anything you may need.

  15. #15
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    FTW, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertP View Post
    I did not use the tensioner tool that you have pictured. I was able to do it with a pry bar.

    Did you download the instructions from Paxton for it? The mounting plates were very straight forward to install. I'm sure I can get you photos of anything you may need.
    I have the plates and the SC mounted as of today. Thanks for the offer!
    I did verify with Paxton there was nothing else supposed to be with the assembled idler and the retractor tool, tool is easy to use, but also easy to over extend the idler and break the positioning pin I ended up ordering another, but will be a spare, I drilled out the pin and then tapped it with threads and used a bolt from the back side of the plate as the positioning pin!

    So I assume you probably already upgraded the steering hoses to the braided ones, I had not, and quickly after mounting the SC today see that there is no way the IC will fit with the hard metal steering line right in the I assume this is required to do and not mentioned in the install?


  16. #16
    Tech Team

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    I've found that the fuel pump setup without a surge tank starves for fuel around corners with around a 1/4 tank of fuel.
    I typically leave the production surge tank, use a pump in the module to keep it full, then use two external pumps to pull fuel
    directly from the module.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    FTW, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Cragin View Post
    I've found that the fuel pump setup without a surge tank starves for fuel around corners with around a 1/4 tank of fuel.
    I typically leave the production surge tank, use a pump in the module to keep it full, then use two external pumps to pull fuel
    directly from the module.
    Yes I was surprised there is no baffling in the tank, just a little indentation below the pump. Hell my '87 GN has baffling in the factory tank and its not meant for corners lol. So I did make sure the pump intake sock was sitting tightly in that indentation area below the pump.

  18. #18
    Robert, your Facebook post about thinking of selling yours caused me to revisit this site after some months. All this Paxton info the past the past few months ... My bad for not checking in more often. You guys are making me want to go to the garage and have a closer look at my '06 coupe. I bought it with the Paxton, has been rock solid for nearly 5 years. Good fun too!

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Gen3CoupeTX View Post
    Robert, your Facebook post about thinking of selling yours caused me to revisit this site after some months. All this Paxton info the past the past few months ... My bad for not checking in more often. You guys are making me want to go to the garage and have a closer look at my '06 coupe. I bought it with the Paxton, has been rock solid for nearly 5 years. Good fun too!

    Yeah with the market as crazy as it is right now it feels like the right time to move on and get back into a Drag car again. I can absolutely say an 800 plus wheel HP viper is truly a blast to drive.

  20. #20
    I've been thinking that same thing lately. I've owned mine nearly 5 years, which might be a new personal best for me. I love it though!

    Not to detract from your thread, but here's mine on a dyno making mid-700 >

    This shop only did the dyno, not the actual work. Video was shot before I owned the car. I don't recall how I stumbled across it exactly.



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