The SOFTER a tire is when new, the quicker it oxidizes-hardens when inflated and heat-cycled by driving.
My oxidation analogy is a slice of bread vs. a Bagel. Put a slice and a bagel on a plate and come back in 1 hour. The soft bread will become HARD but the bagel will be unchanged, still a bagel. Oxygen access to the softer product makes it vulnerable. In essentially the same way, your track tire compounds get hard FAST....while OE tires dont harden as quickly.
When VOI9 says '<750-miles a year' ? = CONTINENTALS! [And pocket about $450 vs Michelins.] And 'occasional rain shower', = CONTI. Great in dry/wet.
Ive sold $5,000,000+ of Viper sized tires, and help bring you this forum since Day 1. I hope I can help. [Seriously VOA : Does club sponsorship even matter? ]
Ask anyone, we are priced right, and SHIP FASSSST. "ALWAYS" priced nicely below the large internet guys who dont know Vipers and dont sponsor.
If you buy elsewhere, you almost certainly will over-pay. That matters! Thank You