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  1. #1

    New owner from across the pond

    Just want to say Hi to everyone from a fellow Gearhead in the UK

    I lived in the US as a teenager before returning to the UK & have always had a passion for American metal, having lived my formative teenage first years driving in the US.

    I've just realized my dream & purchased a 94 SRT-10 in Red/Gray, original 3 spoke wheels, from California & shipped it to UK (always wanted one!)

    It's a 17,000 mile car and in amazing original condition. The guy I bought it from was in Hermosa Beach CA, he bought it to flip from the original owners estate who'd passed. It came with all the original dealership paperwork & instructions, & service records but nothing really personal about the original owner (would of been great to have got a photo etc)
    Everything as far as I can see is in great shape with two Tonneau covers, the original roof & windows (NEVER USED in the bags) and an aftermarket painted hardtop.
    The only change is a pioneer CD/radio & amp that I want to change back to the stock factory unit at some point.

    We have a test here in UK called the MOT (which is like a tough DMV inspection) which it passed without a hitch and now with this certificate I've applied for a UK title so I can use the car on the road.
    It's a few weeks to process the application so I decided to join this great community & say hi, while I wait for the countdown to get the title & drive it.

    Kindest Regards

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Greenville, SC
    Darren, congratulations on your Viper purchase. Sounds like a very nice car. You will love it. We have several members from the UK here and I'm sure you'll hear from them soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Hello Darren, welcome to the world of Vipers, congratulations on getting the car through inspection. I know the DVLA is a little backlogged at the moment so lets hope you get things sorted soon. I am the current President of the UK/Europe region, we have just had a club display at the London Classic Car Show and our next Club gathering is at Beaulieu National Motor museum in the New Forrest. 7th and 8th August. If you would like to join us you will need to register your car directly with Beaulieu. If your car is not road registered by then, then you could always come down in something else and say Hi.
    Where in the UK are you located? We have club members scattered around the UK. Barry Adams (club Vice Prez) Services some members cars and the UK region have some original service tools and pullers etc Barry is located in Luton Bed's
    If you would like to join the VOA then hit the Join button here Looking forward to seeing a few picsIMG-20210625-WA0009.jpg
    Last edited by Fatboy 18; 07-25-2021 at 01:15 PM.

  4. #4
    Many thanks Guy's

    Yes I was at the London Classic Car Show and spoke with a chap on the stand at great length about buying a car!
    I joined the VOA before posting the intro :-)
    I'm located near Chichester right on the South Coast, but work near Luton where the car is currently in the garage being stored awaiting the V5 UK title, would love to attend the Beaulieu show maybe in person, but unfortunately not with the car as there's currently a 3 month (14 week) wait on processing V5 title applications & I only submitted it this week straight after the MOT test

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Hi Darren, haha, you probably were talking to me! Car looks great, hopefully see you at Beaulieu, I'm on the Demo straight as is another Viper, we will also have a few more vipers on the stand too.
    Cheers Mark.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Central Florida
    I'm a Gen V owner an absolutely love my car but a Gen I/II is the most beautiful and never to be duplicated. Good find and good luck with it. I'm sure it will be forever a great conversation piece.

  8. #8
    looks to be in great shape.. have fun with it and congratulations!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Northern England
    Congrats on the purchase Darren, but a shame about the delay in getting it registered. I'm always curious whether it is more economical than buying an RT/10 already in the UK? I've done it twice with Mustangs in 1998 and 2005, but the exchange rate was roughly $2 : £1 at the time

    Two more Vipers that are travelling from North Yorkshire to Beaulieu, my Gen 3 and a gen 2

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Congratulations Darren, Welcome to the VOA UK Region, I got conformation of your membership today

  11. #11
    Hi Mark/Admin,

    Just had an email to renew my membership which I've paid straight away
    I do have a question please...I joined in July & haven't had a single thing from the club? No mail, no membership card, no Magazines or correspondence? Are these things only restricted to US members?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by Darren C View Post
    Hi Mark/Admin,

    Just had an email to renew my membership which I've paid straight away
    I do have a question please...I joined in July & haven't had a single thing from the club? No mail, no membership card, no Magazines or correspondence? Are these things only restricted to US members?
    Hello Darren, I have just sent an email out to all current UK members!
    Things are not good here at the moment sorry to say, and we will be having an emergency AGM to discuss weather the UK stays with the VOA!

  13. #13
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren C View Post
    Hi Mark/Admin,

    Just had an email to renew my membership which I've paid straight away
    I do have a question please...I joined in July & haven't had a single thing from the club? No mail, no membership card, no Magazines or correspondence? Are these things only restricted to US members?


    Normally, the new members for July are grouped together starting August to order membership cards and then mail out month end. With the printers workload and vacations, the was about a month lost. Last I heard in mid September, packets were going into the mail last week of September.

    Feel free to email me at if you need any additional help.
    98 Ronzello PVP Pilot GT2
    99 ACR

    Capital Vipers Facebook Group

    Capital Vipers Founding Regional President 2018 - 2021
    Motor City Viper Owners - Associate Member
    Coordinator - Amelia Island Cars & Coffee 2021/2020/2019, Hilton Head Concours 2019, Greenbrier Concours 2018
    Coordinator - Hagerty Partnership
    Coordinator - Spirit of Viper
    GT2 Owners Group

  14. #14
    Thanks Brian & Mark,

    I am a little concerned what is going on as I paid a Full years membership in July & 3 months later I have been asked to pay a second years membership, which I have duly done as requested & I haven't received anything from the club, not even a membership card?
    Does Annual membership run October to October? Seems an odd set up?

  15. #15
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren C View Post
    Thanks Brian & Mark,

    I am a little concerned what is going on as I paid a Full years membership in July & 3 months later I have been asked to pay a second years membership, which I have duly done as requested & I haven't received anything from the club, not even a membership card?
    Does Annual membership run October to October? Seems an odd set up?
    Should have been prorated by quarter.

    I will check double check
    98 Ronzello PVP Pilot GT2
    99 ACR

    Capital Vipers Facebook Group

    Capital Vipers Founding Regional President 2018 - 2021
    Motor City Viper Owners - Associate Member
    Coordinator - Amelia Island Cars & Coffee 2021/2020/2019, Hilton Head Concours 2019, Greenbrier Concours 2018
    Coordinator - Hagerty Partnership
    Coordinator - Spirit of Viper
    GT2 Owners Group

  16. #16
    Hi and welcome to the viper ownership addiction... Your RT/10 is probably within walking distance of me LOL....

  17. #17
    Thanks Baz,

    Not sure where you are in UK, but my car is stored 120 miles from home, you may have a long walk, but it would be good to meet up, I've got a whole collection of interesting cars at both residences!
    I'm currently fixing a really poor repair in the middle of the bonnet by the previous 1 and only owner of the car (see Gen 1 section of the forum) but this gives me something to do while I wait for the UK V5 title paperwork to be approved (Did a Mustang earlier this year, it only took 14 weeks for the paperwork & I'm just on week 9 of the Viper wait) Real pain buying a car in summer but not being able to drive it until December due to paperwork!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Hi and welcome Darren, from another member from Europe. Congrats on this beauty!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Nice one thank you

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Viperenvy View Post
    Should have been prorated by quarter.

    I will check double check
    Hi Brian,

    Its been almost 4 weeks Brian since you said you would check for me. I checked my bank & my second years membership money went out at the beginning of October, but yet I still have nothing from the Club?
    No Magazines, not even a Membership card?????????

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    And sorry to say Darren you wont be getting anything much soon. Club is in a mess!

  22. #22
    Hi Brian,

    It's been a whole month now since you said you'd get back to me, are you ok?

    I'm just asking after something for my 2 years membership fees.

    A simple membership card or a copy of an old magazine would be a start please, I wasn't expecting radio silence?

    If I'm not going to get anything from this club, then its only fair I ask for my 2 years money back please.

  23. #23
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren C View Post
    Hi Brian,

    It's been a whole month now since you said you'd get back to me, are you ok?

    I'm just asking after something for my 2 years membership fees.

    A simple membership card or a copy of an old magazine would be a start please, I wasn't expecting radio silence?

    If I'm not going to get anything from this club, then its only fair I ask for my 2 years money back please.

    Doing really well!! Having fun with the Viper.

    I apologize, I should have followed up with you. I made the wrong assumption that you receive an email from the VOA President. It was sent on 10/03/21 from the Beth Sewell.

    I hit "replied all."

    Let me know if you do not get it.

    Once again, I am apologize I did not follow-up.

    98 Ronzello PVP Pilot GT2
    99 ACR

    Capital Vipers Facebook Group

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    Motor City Viper Owners - Associate Member
    Coordinator - Amelia Island Cars & Coffee 2021/2020/2019, Hilton Head Concours 2019, Greenbrier Concours 2018
    Coordinator - Hagerty Partnership
    Coordinator - Spirit of Viper
    GT2 Owners Group

  24. #24
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboy 18 View Post
    And sorry to say Darren you wont be getting anything much soon. Club is in a mess!

    Since its me, the guy that had a zoom meeting with you, share how our region has grown, have had numerous emails back and forth, reached out to you to potentially find a Viper for a journalist, and gave you a little help on TA valuations for a member of yours, I'd appreciate a little deference. You have my email and the assumption could have been that I misses a communication, something went into my "junk" mail, I had COVID, getting divorced, or something. Your experience with me should be that I rarely let something slip thru the cracks.

    If I misinterpreted you comments on this thread or the other thread, I apologize. I try to do my best to say what I am going to do and do what I said. I feel bad that I did not follow-up.

    98 Ronzello PVP Pilot GT2
    99 ACR

    Capital Vipers Facebook Group

    Capital Vipers Founding Regional President 2018 - 2021
    Motor City Viper Owners - Associate Member
    Coordinator - Amelia Island Cars & Coffee 2021/2020/2019, Hilton Head Concours 2019, Greenbrier Concours 2018
    Coordinator - Hagerty Partnership
    Coordinator - Spirit of Viper
    GT2 Owners Group

  25. #25
    Thanks for the email confirmation of my two membership payments Brian
    When can I expect something from the club in return please?
    I fully understand times are tough for everyone, but I joined in July we're now in November I've willingly paid 2021 & 2022 membership fees but have nothing from the club when I was expecting at least an acknowledgement, a membership card or a magazine?
    Your email says that it's going to happen, but when?
    I'm a member of many other car clubs and on the committee of car clubs and this would be an unacceptable situation for a new member, especially having paid twice & into 2022 in any club, not to even acknowledge their payment or welcome them into the club.
    It's customary in any car club to give a good welcome to new members, send out membership cards, welcome letters, back issues & current issues of magazines, within a couple of weeks. We're in the 5th month of my membership & all that has happened is a request for me to pay another years membership!
    Unfortunately the situation doesn't endear this club to me or anyone else.
    Its only the kind comments from other owners on here that keep my faith and Mark's post seems to reflect the situation

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