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  1. #1

    Vipers invade the Hamptons August 8 2021 event

    All booked up for a long weekend in the Hamptons
    Looking forward to seeing everyone there
    Looking forward to the plans
    Slowly approaching
    We will all have to party twice as hard this year
    Thanks for planning this event
    It our favorite event to attend
    Take care everyone and will see you soon

  2. #2
    So excited
    Dockers is awesome
    Outfits picked out
    Hopefully they put us in the same room as 2019
    I look forward to seeing everyone
    I really hope for a huge turnout
    If anyone is there for the weekend
    Saturday night till Tuesday let’s hook up
    Steven and Maria are in
    Thank you Matt

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Long Island, NY
    Looking forward to you seeing you! Last year was obviously a bust, so hoping people are gearing up for this year.

    Dockers is a great place! Been there a few times in between our Viper invasions.

    Look forward to seeing everyone!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Long Island, NY
    Shooting out a reminder for this Sunday. The weekend weather is looking absolutely perfect!

    Don't miss out of the drive and beautiful view/food!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Long Island, NY
    Update: Well as always, you just can't trust in the weather report. I'll put my trust level in the weather in the same category as gas station sushi. The weekend was looking phenomenal all week long.

    As of this morning, a few different weather reporting sources are showing potential rain in tomorrow morning's Long Island forecast. I'm seeing anywhere from 0-50% chance of rain as of this time.

    I'm going to wait until around 6pm today to make the final call. Please check back on your emails this evening to confirm. Sorry for the late notice...this just sprung up on the reports.

    If we decided to cancel, then next Sunday, August 15th, will be the rain date.

    Stay tuned....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Long Island, NY
    We're going to postpone the Hamptons Event until next Sunday, August 15th. Unfortunately, the weather reports are continuing to show consistent rain forecasts overnight through the afternoon tomorrow. If it were just an hour or two of potential rain, it may be different, but it appears that there's a good 12 hour window of potential rain now. Plus, on the radar, we're seeing a rather large storm moving its way from the South.

    Mother nature is unpredictable, so we hope you can make it next Sunday...provided the current forecast is accurate ;-).

    All the best!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Long Island, NY
    We've been keeping an eye on the weather all week. At this point, Sunday doesn't seem to pose any weather threat (at least triangulating from 3 different sources).

    As such, we're marching onward with this Sunday, August 15th...same format as noted at LIE Exit 52 Welcome Center 9:30am / depart ~10am for arrival at Dockers ~11am.

    Also, reminder to sign up for Dream Ride the follow Sunday...Don't miss out. That's coming up quick and there will be plenty of Vipers in attendance for a great cause.

    Lastly, there was some interest in the Lime Rock Gathering of the Marques events on Sunday, Sep 5th (Labor Day weekend). Please let us know if you're interested in attending and we can see if we have enough Vipers to setup a snake pit.

    Sunday, Sept. 5, 2021
    Of the Festival's highlights, the Sunday in the Park Concours d’Elegance and Gathering of the Marques brings nearly 1,000 motorcars and motorcycles to the track. Stroll the Park and tap into your inner car enthusiast as you admire rare and exotic historic and vintage cars. Food trucks and vendors are found throughout. Gates open at 7:00 a.m. Show cars must be in place by 9:30 a.m.

    Link for more event info:

    Hope to see you!



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