Unreal... A woman, who wasn't in the episode... Who isn't asian... Who only saw the episode on TV is suing for punative damages of $1.6M USD... Pure insanity.
For having to deal with PlumCrazy everyday? I should get way more $ than this woman who just watched a freaking show... LMAO
Just goes to show how litigious the planet has gotten. Damn shame. Folks need to know what is humor, insult, or commentary.
Janni called me a smartass.......I feel honored and humbled.......
Ron Wasserman, Jerome Sparich, Normand Chouinard, Paul Mumford, Chase the wind, feel the turn,
This has to be the mildest epithet ever uttered in a humorous context such as this !Clarkson has responded to the allegation with a tweet saying:
"I'm not a racist. I am currently sitting in a bar with a man who lives quite near Wales."
Last edited by AZTVR; 03-31-2014 at 01:33 PM.
It all sounds very obtuse to me........
If only it was possible to sue those who tie up the system with frivolous law suites...
nay, makes waaay too much sense
I watched that episode last week it was hysterical.
How do they come up with that amount?!
That lady IS A JOKE. Top gear pokes fun at everybody. Hell they are always raging on us Americans. So what. Its humor. If it offended me I wouldn't watch the show. That lady is a "MONEY GRUB" pure and simple. Oh Oh, Now shes going to sue me too. LOL LOL LOL LOL.
she could not sue without a lawyer who took the BS case
I guess her TV isn't equipped with the "Channel" and "Power" buttons.
Better yet, fine both the woman and her lawyer 1m GBP each for wasting the court's time.
Pride is a killer, plain and simple.
Life is difficult now...
I work with a white man, who is from Africa, but he's an American citizen. Do I call him an African-American?
Another co-worker of mine who is black is from Africa, and not an American. Do I call him an African-African?
I have a white friend who moved to Africa, Should he demand to be called an American-African? To further confuse things, his wife is an Asian-American-in-Africa.