I'll post some pics later but my Alpine was quite a pain to get all the wires stuffed in with the limited space behind the unit. Had to use 90* adapters on all of the RCA connectors that go to the amp as otherwise they would hit the firewall. That in turn blocked the antenna jack on the back of the unit albeit I never use AM/FM anyway. I also had to pull the factory brace out which is only held in by a few sheet metal screws, but the screw on the passenger side was wedged in behind some of the HVAC duct work and it took every right angle ratcheting phillips screwdriver that I own to get it out.
Referencing my component rating list I posted earlier in this thread, the head unit is a good start to better sound. But if you're like most people the bliss of the new head unit will pass and you'll want more. Like better speakers and better amp. My point in mentioning that is, be sure and keep your long term plans in mind to cover anything going foward so you don't have to take the car apart twice. Ask me how I know all of that...
This is how snug I had to get the cabling to the back of the unit to get it to fit. Maybe because it was CD capable and yours isn't it won't have that issue.