Hey Folks,
Now that we are joining the VOA, we are in need of some volunteers for officer positions. Chris has decided to take a well deserved break from his duties as President. Thankfully he still wants to be involved, so he will be managing the website and facebook page that he has designed for the club. Therefore, I have volunteered to move from the Vice President position and fill his shoes as President.
We are in search of a volunteer for the Vice President and Secretary positions. To give you an idea of duties, the Vice President position assists the President in the planning and execution of events. The VP may also be responsible for managing events if the President is not able to be present. We would prefer the person that volunteers for the Secretary position to have good desktop publishing skills in order to design/publish our quarterly newsletter and handle some of the photography at our events.
If anyone is interested in volunteering for either of these positions, please let me know. You may e-mail admin@carolinasviperclub.org or if you have my personal e-mail address, you may contact me that way as well.
Thanks in advance!