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  1. #1

    Tire Reccomendations and WHO has them in stock???????

    I need to replace my PS2's due to age and not tread wear. I'm trying to decide between PS2's and the 'New' Pilot Super Sports. The problem is I'm running 19's front and rear and can't find all four in one style. The other problem is that no one has any. The Super Sports are not in production until May-June and I really don't want to wait. I spoke to VPA and if I remember correctly he has the rear PS2's and suggested the new A/S3's up front. Any input would be appreciated.

    I thought my car had gotten stronger over the winter because it breaks traction in 1-4th. It's just hard tires.

  2. #2
    Check with

  3. #3
    Try Jon B at Partsrack as well. Site sponsor and so many (myself included) have had nothing but great experiences with him.

  4. #4
    I'm running 19s front and rear. Did a fair amount of searching. The only "set" I could find were Nittos. Ordered them from Discount Tires. Just put them on yesterday so I can't provide any opinion yet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    N. Indiana
    I am wondering if you will keep running into the same issue with 19's on all 4 corners.

    I could see 18's all around if you track your car.

    Could you find some rear wheels in 20?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I ran PS2's when I ran 19's all around. 295/345 combo. I believe they also make the PSS's in the correct sizing

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Torquemonster06 View Post
    Check with
    They have the rears but no fronts until May 30 estimated. Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt View Post
    Try Jon B at Partsrack as well. Site sponsor and so many (myself included) have had nothing but great experiences with him.
    I will Jon always has hidden secret stashes. LOL Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Rand1993 View Post
    I'm running 19s front and rear. Did a fair amount of searching. The only "set" I could find were Nittos. Ordered them from Discount Tires. Just put them on yesterday so I can't provide any opinion yet.
    I've heard Nittos are Good tires but not comparable to the Michelins. For a bit more I'd like the best for the 'spirited' driving that I do. Not many miles per year but they are all balls out on curvy roads. Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Leslie View Post
    I am wondering if you will keep running into the same issue with 19's on all 4 corners. I could see 18's all around if you track your car. Could you find some rear wheels in 20?
    Yes but the Hre's I have are no longer made and were about $1,800 each with tax and shipping. In hindsight I wish I had gone 19/20". Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by MTGTS View Post
    I ran PS2's when I ran 19's all around. 295/345 combo. I believe they also make the PSS's in the correct sizing
    Will 295's fit on a stock but lowered Gen 3???? Or 285's. Thanks

  8. #8
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    1,361 prices.

  9. #9
    It appears that Nitto is the only company that makes 19s for all four corners. I have been told that Michelin will begin producing them in May or June.

    I don't track or drag my car so the Nittos are fine for me.

  10. #10
    I've just put Pilot SS on my car. 19s front and rear. Only place I could get them was a local chain. cost me $1850 but it was my only option at the time.

  11. #11
    I'm going to wait it out. TireRack couldn't guarantee freshness. They could be 18 months or older.

  12. #12
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    PSSs last longer than PS2s but aren't quite as gippy when warmed up. The C1 (Viper) compound of the PS2s is hard to beat but I use the PSSs because they simply last longer. And I track the ACR.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by 09viperacr View Post
    PSSs last longer than PS2s but aren't quite as gippy when warmed up. The C1 (Viper) compound of the PS2s is hard to beat but I use the PSSs because they simply last longer. And I track the ACR.
    Seriously? Michelin rates the SS higher than the PS2. I don't care about wear. I want grip and cornering.

  14. #14
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Moon View Post
    Seriously? Michelin rates the SS higher than the PS2. I don't care about wear. I want grip and cornering.
    Hey Sal, you going to make the TOD? If so, hold out for the SS, they are the best gripping tire out there. Second best would be Kumho's or Invo's

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by 99RT10 View Post
    Hey Sal, you going to make the TOD? If so, hold out for the SS, they are the best gripping tire out there. Second best would be Kumho's or Invo's
    I haven't really thought about it since I never know where I might be at any time. Since I stopped working 4 years ago I kind of go and do whatever I want on a moment's notice. I'll check out the dates. I haven't been to the Dragon in a couple of years. I think I only put about 150 miles on my car last year. Any interest in a Paxton 03. I made a list last year and the car has about $54,000 in mods. Crazy right! I may sell it this year for the right price and it will probably have NEW TIRES!! I may see you on the TOD!

  16. #16
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    Sal, you just gotta come to it this year. Yes, it's a lot of the same ole stuff, BUT, it's gotten WAAAAAY out of hand now. There's already 40+ rooms booked if you didn't know already. We're shooting for 60 this year.....

  17. #17
    I almost ended up in jail last time I went. If Matt C. hadn't come back to calm down the cop he knew who knows what might have happened. LOL

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Moon View Post

    Will 295's fit on a stock but lowered Gen 3???? Or 285's. Thanks
    Either will fit

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Moon View Post
    I need to replace my PS2's due to age and not tread wear. I'm trying to decide between PS2's and the 'New' Pilot Super Sports. The problem is I'm running 19's front and rear and can't find all four in one style. The other problem is that no one has any. The Super Sports are not in production until May-June and I really don't want to wait. I spoke to VPA and if I remember correctly he has the rear PS2's and suggested the new A/S3's up front. Any input would be appreciated.

    I thought my car had gotten stronger over the winter because it breaks traction in 1-4th. It's just hard tires.
    MOON: Wise of you to 'ditch the Hockey Pucks before they ditch YOU.'

    Also wise to IGNORE any advice that suggests you downgrade to All-Season rated tires!!! And if anyone really suggested A/S tires up front and PS2 rear he is trying to DITCH YOU. Can you say PUSHING PIG?

    You did NOT SAY your wheel size? Gen 3-4 thread would ASSume 18-19? 18-19 MICHELIN PILOT SUPER SPORTs we have IN STOCK for $1399 all 4.

    We also invested $$$ in holding a tire test on our wheels for SRT owners to COMPARE PS2 to PSS at the TireRack test facility. We also have helped sponsor 2 One-Lap racers past 2 years and 1 for this year. BOTH CHOSE SUPER SPORTS for last/this year.

    Test Results here:

    I will be driving a Super-Sport Shod ACR as Official Pace Car at Road Atlanta April 11-13.

    Thank You JonB
    Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 04-03-2014 at 03:21 PM.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by JonB ~ PartsRack View Post
    MOON: Wise of you to 'ditch the Hockey Pucks before they ditch YOU.'

    Also wise to IGNORE any advice that suggests you downgrade to All-Season rated tires!!! And if anyone really suggested A/S tires up front and PS2 rear he is trying to DITCH YOU. Can you say PUSHING PIG?

    You did NOT SAY your wheel size? Gen 3-4 thread would ASSume 18-19? 18-19 Standard OE sizes SUPER SPORT we have IN STOCK for $1349.

    We also invested $$$ in holding a tire test on our wheels for SRT owners to COMPARE PS2 to PSS at the TireRack test facility. We also have helped sponsor 2 One-Lap racers past 2 years and 1 for this year. BOTH CHOSE SUPER SPORTS for last/this year.

    Test Results here:

    I will be driving a Super-Sport Shod ACR as Official Pace Car at Road Atlanta April 11-13.

    Thank You JonB
    I was going to call you this week.

    I'd love to do another Road Atlanta but probably not this spring.

    I have 19's all around. What kind of price can you do? I'd like as recent manufacturing dates as possible.

    After looking at your test results it looks like the PS2's are still the best choice. I'd like to price both PSS and PS2's.

    PM or email me.

    Thanks Jon
    Last edited by Black Moon; 04-02-2014 at 07:34 PM.

  21. #21
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    Just ordered tires from JonB today - excellent service as usual. 275/35 19" Fronts, 345/30 19" Rears - Super Sports. Should have them in a few days! Can't go wrong with JonB/PartsRack!

  22. #22
    I emailed Jon. I was calling him this week after I decided on which tire. Jon always comes thru with his prices and service. PSS/PS2, PSS/PS2, PSS/PS2, PSS/PS2??????? This shit is keeping me up at night. LOL

  23. #23
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    I'm also about to make the change from my 6 year old PS2's. The comparison between the PS2's and the PSS indicates that the PS2 is a better tire for more intensive driving, while the PSS is more forgiving, i.e., it's easier to control at it's adhesion limit. The PS2 accordingly appears to wear slightly faster.

    I only wish I was accomplished enough as a driver to take my Viper to the extremes necessary to make this determination myself.
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
    2022 BMW X5M Comp
    Resident Misanthrope

  24. #24
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    Unless you are worried about shaving tenths, get the PSS. These are simply a better value and work much better in the rain. The PSS is simply a better rounded tire unless you are tracking the car constantly.....and then you should have some Hoosiers on it anyway.

  25. #25
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    TIRE SUPPLY WARNING..... If I were a 'better businessman' I would keep this to myself. But it might be better business to tell Owners this warning:

    Gen 2 - 18" wheels

    Viper Owners of Vipers on 18-18" wheels note: If you need Michelin Pilots (PS2) for Spring-Summer, you had better act fast. Now. The supply is very low, and there are fewer than 10 Sets in USA. I would not be surprised if this tire is a gonner in Viper sizes for GOOD. Super Sports are NOT made in 18" fittments, and no official word on why the most common 18 and 18" 18" OE sizes $1599/set of 4; While They Last. After that its just Pirellis til maybe Summer.

    If you used to like the fully-treaded-sticky Kumhos, you will like the 18" Toyos at only $1179/set/4.

    We can do 18-19 SuperSports at $1399, and THOSE supplies are moderately low STOCKS
    Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 04-03-2014 at 06:52 PM.

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