There we go. That's the chart we needed.
Any more misfires or limp mode??
I picked up about 5 rwhp with Gen 5 intake on my 08 coupe. Have Mopar ecu with headers, high flow cats and Exhaust. Expected from Gen 5 intake
I just had 1 episode of a blinking misfire code while cruising at 70mph and limp mode on the way home from the dyno after the installation the other day. I cleared it - stated misfire on cylinder 5. I checked the No 5 plug wire and plug insulator and they looked fine. I started it in the garage and the code hasn't recurred but I haven't driven it since. I'll likely drive it a couple times this week and keep track of it.
***Update - Car triggered the check engine light again, misfire cylinder 5. Pulled off the plug wire and the end of the conductor stayed on the plug instead of in the wire. So, I've found my problem. New wires on the way and everything should be GTG.
Last edited by IndyRon; 04-06-2014 at 07:44 PM.
You get your exhaust installed yet Ron
Not yet. The headers were mistakenly sent back to Cali from Jet Hot, so I had them rerouted and will have them tomorrow. I don't know that I'll install them this week as I'm getting my lift installed hopefully Thursday! I'm not sure if I'm more pumped about the headers or having a lift in the garage. I'll do a writeup and post pictures along the way of the product, install, and then dyno runs. I can't wait to see what they do. I think that it will really wake the car up. The other mods have added 5 to 10 hp at a time. This one should be a much bigger jump.
Ron it will be significant, headers are still the "big" HP mod for these cars.
Should have said something, they are sent to the Jet Hot place here in OKC. I could have grabbed them for you and held them for ransom...
I have done the header install on my dad's car, not that big of a deal just a lot of removing parts to get to install the headers. Should be able to get it knocked out in a weekend.
I thought I had enough clearance to lift the motor without taking the front cross member out..... WRONG still had to pull it. The cabin air box assembly is also sort of a pain to get all of the fasteners, but still do able. If you are going to be down for a little bit also send the covers off to ARROW or get someone to tap for the catch can.
Bellanger's went together without any issues at all. Lou took some time with them thats for sure.
I'm assuming both headers went in from top? When jacking up motor, did you guys feel comfortable jacking from the oil pan? I don't have a hoist, so pulling up from top isn't an option.
Oil pan is fine but I used a square piece of wood to better distribute the weight. As already mentioned you'll need to pull that cross bar. I also had to use my big pry bar to rotate the motor for the passenger side to drop in. And yes they both go in from the top.
I would highly suggest lifting it by the oil pain. Get a 2x4 or 6 or 10 and put the jack under it. It makes is MUCH more simple that way. If you have a service manual, I would suggest giving it a look for everything you need to get out of the way. Not all "necessary," but it will keep you from scratching anything up. When you go to put in the headers, having an extra set of strong hands on deck would be a big help. I did mine solo without any issues, but it is very time consuming when doing it as a one man job.
Thanks for all the advice. I'll post up the progress if these things ever arrive. It's always the case when you are on a time constraint, things get screwed up with shipping, etc. I'm thinking that Jet Hot shipped them back to CA and if that is the case it'll be at least a week before they arrive now. I'd like to try to keep from scratching them since I paid to have them jet hot coated.
Isn't there a tracking number available. Where the headers are shouldn't be a mystery.
I think I'll do just that. I'm also planning on pulling the valvecovers for some extra clearance as well.
I agree, but when the tracking number says arrived on 4/7 and I don't see no package, we got issues! Not to mention something/someone named "ROSAL" signed for them? I'll hopefully know today.
Last edited by IndyRon; 04-08-2014 at 10:01 AM.
2x4 on the pan is not an issue. Just stay towards the sides or back so you get as much support as possible to distribute the weight. If I remember correctly, I had taken one mount off per side and left the opposite ones loose so the motor didn't do anything wierd. I think I had to rock it a little as well to make sure it seated in the mounts properly. Also make note of the position of the nuts on the frame mount. That will make sure you sit the motor back in the exact same position.
I taped wash towels to the fenders then put the fender guards on just to be extra safe. You will also want to take your time pulling that cross member I mentioned. It has rough rough edges and can scratch the SH*T out of the inner fender pieces. I think they give the option to pull the starter or not I did just for more clearance. It is doesn't take much to pull a starter on these cars.
Also before I fired the car, WIPE ALL EXHAUST PIPE SURFACES DOWN WITH ALCOHOL! Raw stainless is bad about showing prints when heated up and I didn't want to take a chance on the ceramic. Oil from your hands will burn into the surface and it will piss you off everytime you see it.
- - - Updated - - -
Pulling valve covers is a MUST!