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  1. #1

    Free 2004 Rotors

    Dayum, last post was me posting free stuff a year ago?

    I have a spare full set of rotors off my 2004. I am going to metal recycle them unless someone would like them. If you’re local to the Bellevue area I can meet. If you want them shipped I’ll be happy to package them if you pay shipping costs.

    You’ll need to resurface them but they can take it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Rochester Hills, MI & Orlando, FL
    Must be someone that could use them (i.e. don't destroy them). I am not in need now so defer to someone with a greater need.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSRT View Post
    Must be someone that could use them (i.e. don't destroy them). I am not in need now so defer to someone with a greater need.
    I got ahold of the recycling place and at $0.03/lb for recycling I'll just hold them a while longer. Not worth the drive there

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by SammamiSnake View Post
    I got ahold of the recycling place and at $0.03/lb for recycling I'll just hold them a while longer. Not worth the drive there
    I have a set that I'm getting rid of this weekend to an owner up north. I could swing by and pick these up and let him have both or whichever set is in better shape. Message me your address and when is a good time to swing by (I'm in Sammamish as too)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Blair, Nebraska
    Sea Snake -- pick them up and then offer to someone in your Club as there will be someone who can use them in the future.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Pemberton View Post
    Sea Snake -- pick them up and then offer to someone in your Club as there will be someone who can use them in the future.
    That's the plan!



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