Hi All,

So I have made some modifications to my viper, including ACR-E wing amongst others, but I just wanted to share the two mods that made the most surprising difference, even though they are only small.

Sound Deadening
I decided to carry out the window boss mod as a preventative measure, only to find out that both window regulators were broken (car has 2900 miles on it), so I ended up buying the repair kit and fixing them both too.

While I had everything out, I decided to fit sound deadening inside the door and I couldn’t believe the difference it made. The door actually almost sounds like a $100k car when it closes. Not hollow rattles or anything, its all gone. Even when driving all the echoing etc. completely gone.

You can see just inside the door where i placed it.

Moroso Spark Plug Wires
This one probably surprised me the most, the car always felt like it wanted to stall at low revs when turning a corner slow or something like that. I knew the battery was on its way out so I replaced that and also thought I would replace the OEM wires with the Moroso wires.

The difference is night and day, I really couldn’t believe such a trivial modification would make the car feel so different.

I would highly recommend these to anyone looking for something to do to their Viper, especially with the spring weather approaching.
