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Thread: battery drain

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    battery drain


    I change the battery before 2 weeks ago And everything it was fine . Now the car won't start up the battery was dead , so i had used a Jumper then the car come on it work fin !! Is there any battery drain ? Or it is normal since I didn’t not start the car for 2 weeks ago ?

    Should i always use the battery tender ?

    I’m new to GEN 2 viper


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Sorry for your trouble.

    Yes, you could have an abnormal drain...which can be detected by a careful and methodical Ignition Off Draw Test.

    But, before you pursue that, have you checked the voltage in the battery with a multimeter? Did you test the battery before you bought it? Did you fully charge the battery before you installed it? Have you kept it on a battery tender since installation? Are you aware that you car may draw up to 30-35 milliamps without the alarm being in use? That kind of current draw can deplete a battery in a few weeks...depending on its amp-hour rating and state of charge.

    Finally, how sure are you about the wiring at the battery connectors?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Rosenberg, Texas
    Hi Q8,

    Generally.....Gen 2 Vipers eat batteries. They are not like other cars. If you don't have them on a charger, many have found that the battery is dead within a month. was crappy engineering. Listen to Steve above. He has many Vipers. He is also very modest. He knows what he is doing. I would stop trying to charge the battery and just go with an AGM type battery. I put mine on a CTEK battery tender. Have not had a problem since. Before....I always insisted that I use an exact Mopar battery and kept everything just like from the factory. The AGM battery and CTEK battery are the ways to go. Better than constantly fooling around with it.


  4. #4
    Tech Team

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    Common problems with igniton off draw on Gen 2's is the hood switch or rear hatch switch being out of adjustment, or leaving the hood open during storage. Unless the
    alarm module sees the doors, hood and rear hatch closed, the module wont shut down (or time out) and it runs the battery down.

  5. #5
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Cragin View Post
    Common problems with ignition off draw on Gen 2's is the hood switch or rear hatch switch being out of adjustment, or leaving the hood open during storage. Unless the
    alarm module sees the doors, hood and rear hatch closed, the module wont shut down (or time out) and it runs the battery down.
    No kidding! And I leave my hood up - walking out to the garage.......
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  6. #6
    I removed the fuse that powers rear light. Battery still drains, but much slower.
    Unfortunately same fuse powers radio and windshield wipers (never used these ever anyway.)
    In the end I kept fuse out and also leave on trickle charger. The last battery put in car in just gave up the ghost....its been 5 years. I can live with that. :-)

  7. #7
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    I leave my hood up when the car is stored (cause I like looking at the engine. lol!) ...but have a battery tender on at all times.
    It keeps cycling the battery up and down and my battery seems to last for years, so I'm ok with that.
    Last edited by RT SERPENT; 02-15-2021 at 08:22 PM.

  8. #8
    As Dan said, drivers side rear glass strut switch VERY common. try to arm/disarm, the system. If you don't see the amber lights flash and the red light on your dash stay on. you know you have a disconnect somewhere. many of the aftermarket struts will not support the switch and people disconnect them.

  9. #9
    VOA Mamba Member
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    If the alarm is not activated, then there is not an issue with the hood or hatch creating additional battery draw, correct?
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  10. #10
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    My car is stored with the hood up, doors and trunk hatch closed and connected to the charger

    If you leave the rear hatch up it will drain the battery because the trunk light will be on, so your battery tender will be working overtime trying to hold power

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Viperenvy View Post
    If the alarm is not activated, then there is not an issue with the hood or hatch creating additional battery draw, correct?
    wrong (at least for the hatch glass), the module wont time out.

  12. #12
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    My '97 GTS lived in an apartment complex for the first 11 years and went through about 5 batteries because I did not have the option of plugging in a charger. Since 2008, I've used only 2 batteries but it's always been on a charger as well. Comparing it to my '07 Ram 1500 that is always parked outside, it's first battery lasted 12 years and never saw a charger and I'm on the 2nd battery now. So yeah, the Gen II does have a parasite drain.

  13. #13
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    The type and specs of the battery used make a huge difference in terms of battery does any ABNORMAL drain on the battery. Higher average ambient heat will decrease the longevity of lead-acid batteries as well.

    It is my own personal experience that AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) batteries are superior to the standard flooded lead-acid batteries that were used as original equipment in Vipers. AGM batteries last longer and they don't leak. They are, however, more expensive and often weigh a little more in some cases.

  14. #14
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Anecdotal information.

    Had not starred the 98 in close to 4 weeks - not on a tender. Fired right up.

    I does have a 12 month old Interstate MTZ-78 battery in it. The coldest the garage has gotten is around 30. The hood was left open.

    If that means anything to anybody, then let me know what it means
    98 Ronzello PVP Pilot GT2
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viperenvy View Post
    The hood was left open.
    Why is leaving the hood open a good idea? By leaving the hood open, do you mean the clam shell is completely open or does it mean the first latch that pops the hood is released leaving the hood popped up in the front?

    My vehicle sits on a tender attached to jumper posts and the plug runs through the side vent. Similar to the photo below. When I take it out for a drive I unplug it at the connection (pigtail) tuck it into the vent and roll. Plug it back in when I return. I'm going to guess that a majority of members are doing something similar.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Old Surfer; 03-04-2021 at 09:17 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Here in Kuwait the extra heat does make these batteries die faster. My company leased vehicle needs the battery replaced ever 12-24 months, I drive it daily so it doesn't need a battery tender. My Viper sits parked in the garage near some direct sunlight and a power outlet. I keep it on a smart tender, lithium battery, even have a solar panel in my trunk that trickle charges when the sun is up, even when I'm out with the group the solar panel charges it. I don't mess around with the battery out here, sucks getting stranded in Subiya or somewhere far away from home.

  17. #17
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    Always keep tender on my car. If not being driven, its on the tender.



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