Nice job. Looks like you are taking your time and doing it right!
Nice job. Looks like you are taking your time and doing it right!
Awesome job and great write up indeed. You'll be amazed once you're on track with the new level of grip.
Nicely done. Love the new look.
Looks amazing well done and very well documented!
Great job.
Are the parts exact copies of the OEM parts or modified/altered designs? Curious as the OEM stuff had loads of tunnel time testing the design. Would you mind sharing the cost of the kit (PM if youd rather not post up). It looks wonderful - would love to see a picture of the car with it all installed on the street!
Bold man to do that to a TA. Looks great, must have been a nice project.
Looks good!
Just to appease myself...why wouldn't you just buy an ACR?
Great job dude!!! If you aren't going to see high speeds on track, I would go with 1100-1200 lb springs in the rear
Great write up & the car looks very nice indeed!!!
Great info and writeup!
I believe Aaron already has everything. I will double check.
The reason I built this rather than buy one- have you seen what the prices are on an ACR ? After selling my TA between the difference in price as well as the sales tax it would have been substantially more money than this build even with the suspension mods, and Orange is my #1 and #2 choice of color. Also I was looking for a winter project.
love it. was going to do this to my ta but i made the acr-e jump. are you going to do the hood louvers?
Great write-up. I considered this as well. I bought a complete deck lid from a wrecked car so I could go back to stock. After getting the price list from Xtreme, I decided to hold off for a while. Good to have this for future reference.
Last edited by Ogme042; 02-05-2021 at 02:42 PM.
Anyone care to share the price list from Xtreme. I reached out to them but no luck.
Here are their 2019 prices....
Xtreme Carbon retail-sale 2019.pdf
Anyone ventured these guys product yet?
It looks nice and the price is good. Are the end plates on the wing on the wrong side? Or did I put mine on backwards?
Seem right, unless I’m not seeing something??
The end plates have the vented bumped out ,doesn’t the flat side face out?