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Thread: handbrake?

  1. #1


    Hey guys, i'm a new forum stalker memeber. I signed up because i'm gathering some info before possibly purchasing a new gen V. I just bought a 2009 ctsv three months ago and i got a bit excited about the modding, so it's a 7xx whp 4 dr fun pack. Anyways, three months later i'm looking at a gen V and it's an incredible looking car! I only have ONE issue. The handbrake! Why was it put there? It feels like that space could've had better use. How are you guys dealing with it? Is it annoying, in the way? I know it's not a deal breaker but everytime i look at it, i get a bit turned off. Did srt design it to be accessible for some drifting/racing purpose?

    btw, from what i've seen, you guys are a tough crowd, so try to go easy on me!
    and please no smartass comments as " it's there to use when you park"...

  2. #2
    Has to go somewhere, and footwell is pretty crowed with 3 pedals and a dead pedal.

    Not really in the way where it is. Pretty much a non issue.

    And yes, drifters find it very useful. Also since it is a stick, it allows you to start up easily when stopped part way up a hill, at a stop sign or red light. Also useful when staging at a drag strip to keep your Viper from creaping before you release the clutch.

  3. #3
    thanks paul. i agree, i had a foot pedal hand brake on a 6 spd (05ctsv) and it was a bit annoying. My current car has the electronic handbrake and i don't really use it, possibly due to it. For some reason, that handbrake just feels primitive.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tysons Corner, VA
    When I first got the car it bothered me

    Now I forget it is there

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I have a few friends with CTS Vs. They love them. The hand brake is a non issue for me, but I have had other cars where it's in the same spot.

    Oh and welcome. Feel free to ask away, all of us with Gen 5s love them.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Bitten View Post
    I have a few friends with CTS Vs. They love them. The hand brake is a non issue for me, but I have had other cars where it's in the same spot.

    Oh and welcome. Feel free to ask away, all of us with Gen 5s love them.

    Thanks man! I love my V. That car is a beast but this viper is just an eye candy. The white ones really do it for me. It'll be hard to part out the V after just having built it 2 months ago. Lol, when you think you're happy with a car, another one comes out. I'll just have to stare at that handbrake long enough til i love it! Not to bash, but the c7 seems to have a nicer interior, BUT there's no way in hell i'm driving a "me too" car.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    Honestly I wasn't all that impressed with th C7 interior when I sat in one. To each their own

  8. #8
    on a completely unrelated issue. How's the temp. situation with the gen v? the older models seem to heat up your legs due to engine/exhaust temps. Are these as bad? btw, i've never been in a viper, so i'm just going from what i've read.

    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    Honestly I wasn't all that impressed with th C7 interior when I sat in one. To each their own

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by kabooz321 View Post
    on a completely unrelated issue. How's the temp. situation with the gen v? the older models seem to heat up your legs due to engine/exhaust temps. Are these as bad? btw, i've never been in a viper, so i'm just going from what i've read.
    I have never found any of my Vipers hot enough to cause discomfort in the foot wells. The Gen 5 interior not as nice as Corvette? There I must disagree. I looked at a new Corvette, it's no where near the interior on my GTS.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Paul View Post
    .......... Also since it is a stick, it allows you to start up easily when stopped part way up a hill, at a stop sign or red light......
    The Gen 5 has a [Studebaker / Subaru] 'hill-holder clutch' so you don't need to use the E-brake when pulling away on a steep hill. When the clutch is depressed on a hill, you can release the brake fully, and the G5 wont roll backwards for 3 seconds, or til the clutch engages.

    My wife's 2 worst fears: Public Speaking; and Hillside Tailgaters when she's driving the StealthTT ! Scares the hell out of her!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Quote Originally Posted by kabooz321 View Post
    on a completely unrelated issue. How's the temp. situation with the gen v? the older models seem to heat up your legs due to engine/exhaust temps. Are these as bad? btw, i've never been in a viper, so i'm just going from what i've read.
    The Gen 3 (03-06) was by far the worst, but even 92-02 had bacon-frying sidesill anecdotes. The G5 even after spirited track driving is not anywhere as bad as a G3. Much more comfortable.

    And your "why was the E-brake put there?" question? An inside joke answer is this:

    To prevent cupholders, ashtrays, or CD storage being placed in a RACE CAR dammit !!!!


    Im SERIOUS. How/Where/When.
    Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 03-26-2014 at 03:29 PM.

  12. #12
    An electronic e brake would obviously save space. The manual one flows better with a transmission that is, well, manual. It's a manly car with a manly e brake; the electronic one would be less than that.

    Unfortunate that its perceived as a tough crowd. There's lots of moving pieces to it from different generational ownership to differing opinions on the brand in general. Interesting observation nonetheless

    PS Gen V's with Sepia interior go faster 8-p



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