For those that have been following the Gen 5 development, you are aware that SRT switched to a composite intake manifold with slightly longer runners and better airflow characteristics. This new intake makes up the bulk of the gains in power/torque over the outgoing Gen 4 car. I'll outline below the process to install a gen 5 intake on a Gen 4 Viper with some pics for reference.
The first thing you need to do to the Gen 5 intake is remove the torque limiters from the intake. They are aluminum dowels with a plastic bolt locator inside that are a slight interference fit in the intake bolt holes. The purpose on the Gen 5 intake is to function to limit torque applied to the manifold itself by bottoming out in a receiver groove machined in the Gen 5 cylinder head and also to center the intake over the head intake ports. You can see them just barely peeking out the bottom of the intake bolt flange here.
Because the Gen 4 doesn't have these receiver grooves machined into the head, you need to cut them down so that they don't protrude from the bottom or top of the intake while still keeping the plastic bolt locator inside. I used a punch and small hammer to push them out...they come out easily.
In the pic below, you can see the overall length is about 5mm too long. I measured each of the flange holes and found that none of them are shallower than 27.5mm deep.
I decided to cut all of my dowels to a length of 27mm so I'd have a cumulative clearance of 0.5mm or more between the intake flange top and bottom and the ends of the dowels. There are a couple ways of doing this. Some folks cut them at an angle but I elected not to do this. The reason why is because if you were to inadvertantly have one of the dowels rotate in the intake flange hole, it would become and interference fit with the intake to the head and not let the intake seat fully down. Here they are cut to length and cleaned up.
As a quick aside, in this picture you can see I mounted the bolt locators on the bolts as they are easily removed from the dowels and also elected to place a single stainless washer under the head of the bolts that was 0.625" in diameter - just slightly larger than the bolt to prevent galling of the intake when tightening them down as well as to give a little more distribution of torque over the relatively soft composite intake (more on this later!).
Here you can see a couple of the dowels installed and the clearance between them and the intake flange bottom. The tops of the dowels were all flush with the top of the intake flange.
Now comes the actual start of the project! Pulling the intake is a relatively simple procedure. Just unplug the master cylinder vacuum source and sensor from the rear of the intake, remove the airbox, unplug the MAF sensors and TB plugs and a few vacuum lines attached.
After you do that, you are left with this. As you can see I don't have a catch can installed (but will soon!) and the resultant oil present in the intake manifold and dripping off the TB's. Everyone needs a catch can on these cars. I cleaned off the head mating surface to the intake with alcohol so that no oil would remain and I would get a good seal with the new o-rings on the Gen 5 intake prior to placing it on the motor.
Next I removed the vacuum lines that "T" together under the stock manifold that I removed and attached them to the underside of the Gen 5 intake. They don't have hose clamps from the factory but I installed clamps or zip ties on all connections just to ensure I don't have any vacuum leaks (Thanks for the rec Flatout!).
In the next pic, you can see that just behind the "T" hose, that I have a rubber 90 degree elbow and reused the plastic hardline that went from the PCV on the passenger valvecover to the stock intake because I plan to run my catch can in the factory recirculated fashion. I won't go into all the technical details as to why but I believe I have a valid reason and the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. There are those that run an open catch can vented to atmosphere from the crankcase. If that is the case, you just need a vacuum cap and clamp to cover this hose fitting on the underside of the intake.
TB's are bolted back on. I made sure to keep the driver side TB on the driver side of the new intake and vice versa. Wasn't sure it was absolutely necessary but since I didn't install the Mopar PCM yet, I didn't want to upset the factory computer any more than I was doing with the new intake.
Here's a pic side by side for comparison FWIW (not much).
Now the tedious process of torquing this thing down. 20 bolts and stepwise torquing is painful (in your back) after you've been hunched over walking around the car multiple times.
I numbered the torque sequence on the handy-dandy plastic thing that came on the intake to keep myself straight. I also torqued the intake down incrementally in the following order - just snug, 40 in-lbs, 60 in-lbs, 90 in-lbs.
Got everything buttoned up and then took her for a test spin.