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Update 10/10/20:
I removed the RR parking brake caliper and pads and cleaned it real good. The slide pins were spotless but the antirattle clip pin was caked on mess. I cleaned and dressed it. Used a soft brush, some warm water, dawn, and cleaned the caliper and pads (including backing plates). Also made sure the outer caliper backing plate mating surface (machined surface) was perfectly clean. Screwed the caliper piston in a half. Turn, Reassembled, and test drove. Problem is gone (at least for now).
The pads that were on there did not need to be replaced. With 36k miles on them they were at 9.5mm (the new pads i had bought mic’ed out at 9.75mm). I use the parking brake everyday multiple times a day and looks like the problem they had with earlier generations vipers smoking the inner pad has been solved in gen v. Ill continue to use it with confidence.
Ho-e this helps someone else.