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  1. #1

    Parking brake dragging

    Seems like my right rear parking brake is dragging ever so slightly.. makes a light noise when turning corners. I can reproduce it easily. I checked the pads and there is 70% or so left compared to the new mopar pads in the box i bought thinking they had just hit some kind of wear indicators.

    The noise does not go away when accelerating or braking using the brakes.. but goes away if i pull ever so slightly on the e-brake lever. Any thoughts on a solution?

    Update 10/10/20:
    I removed the RR parking brake caliper and pads and cleaned it real good. The slide pins were spotless but the antirattle clip pin was caked on mess. I cleaned and dressed it. Used a soft brush, some warm water, dawn, and cleaned the caliper and pads (including backing plates). Also made sure the outer caliper backing plate mating surface (machined surface) was perfectly clean. Screwed the caliper piston in a half. Turn, Reassembled, and test drove. Problem is gone (at least for now).

    The pads that were on there did not need to be replaced. With 36k miles on them they were at 9.5mm (the new pads i had bought mic’ed out at 9.75mm). I use the parking brake everyday multiple times a day and looks like the problem they had with earlier generations vipers smoking the inner pad has been solved in gen v. Ill continue to use it with confidence.

    Ho-e this helps someone else.
    Last edited by SRT_BluByU; 10-10-2020 at 07:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Same problem as outlined by JonB on gen IV?

  3. #3
    I had read that before and thought it might be the issue. I removed the wheel to inspect the pads (both sides). and after 36,000miles both pads have about 70%-80% of pad life remaining compared to the brand new e-brake pads i have in the box. The wear is even across the pads and the all are similar. Its on the right rear.. and I only hear it when turn right.. the tighter the turn the easier it is to hear. the noise doesnt stop if i hit the regular brakes... but it will if i just pull slightly up on the e-brake level. I drive the Viper and use the hand brake all the time. My Viper tech jsut shrugged it off as a noisy pad.. i donno.

    I've been wondering if the axle nut might be loose? but that doesnt make any sense since the rear is a hub assembly..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Davisburg, Michigan
    I ended up replacing the e-brake calipers on mine as they were dragging. I tried to avoid using the e-brake when possible. Better to fix the e-brake than than groove the rotors.

  5. #5
    Ah even wear ok. Mine was consistently uneven wear just as described in the thread. I ended up removing the calipers all together to run 18" wheels on the track and haven't reinstalled them yet as much car no longer sees much street time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dayton, OH
    I've had this happen on my Gen 4 from time to time...seems to be worse when I haven't cleaned the car (or at least the wheels) for a while to wash away all the caked on brake dust that seems to accumulate.

    If you are getting even pad wear between the inner and outer parking brake pads, I'd probably try applying some of the sticky grease they make for that purpose to the backside of the pads and see if that helps. The most common issue on Gen 3/4 Vipers was uneven pad wear due to the parking brake constantly dragging, but that doesn't sound like the case here.

    I used to avoid using the parking brake like the plague, but when you need it, you need it. I don't use it when my car is parked in the garage (I just leave it in gear and put a wheel chock in place to keep the car from rolling back). Every time you do use it, the piston is self adjusting, so it will always apply a little pressure after each use by design. How much pressure is the should be no more than what you would get from a hydraulic brake caliper under normal use, but I don't know for sure.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    pokeyl posted his "fix" for this issue on his Gen III:

    Anyone else tried it?

  8. #8
    wonder what he used to lubricate the slide? grease? anti-seize?

    also im having a slightly different issue where the wear is even on both sides of caliper and both rear wheels.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dayton, OH
    Quote Originally Posted by SRT_BluByU View Post
    wonder what he used to lubricate the slide? grease? anti-seize?

    also im having a slightly different issue where the wear is even on both sides of caliper and both rear wheels.
    They make a specific grease just for this purpose. It likely will not help in your situation, but can't hurt.

    The other stuff I'm referring to that I used on the backs of the pads on another vehicle to address pad squeal and rattling was substantially stickier, kinda like this:

    The consistency was closer to a paste/glue.

  10. #10
    Updated resolution in first post! Hope it helps..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SRT_BluByU View Post
    Update 10/10/20:
    I removed the RR parking brake caliper and pads and cleaned it real good. The slide pins were spotless but the antirattle clip pin was caked on mess. I cleaned and dressed it. Used a soft brush, some warm water, dawn, and cleaned the caliper and pads (including backing plates). Also made sure the outer caliper backing plate mating surface (machined surface) was perfectly clean. Screwed the caliper piston in a half. Turn, Reassembled, and test drove. Problem is gone (at least for now).

    The pads that were on there did not need to be replaced. With 36k miles on them they were at 9.5mm (the new pads i had bought mic’ed out at 9.75mm). I use the parking brake everyday multiple times a day and looks like the problem they had with earlier generations vipers smoking the inner pad has been solved in gen v. Ill continue to use it with confidence.

    Ho-e this helps someone else.
    I'll have to give this a go on my Gen IV. Ever since I can remember my RR has made the squealing/chirping noise unless I pulled on the e-brake a little. Usually would trigger when turning into an elevated street or driveway and wouldn't go away for rest of the ride. Even tho my e-brake pads were barely worn at all, I swapped them out anyway to try and get rid of the noise but it didn't make a difference. I tried swapping out the brake pads and adding the noise reducing grease to the back of them as well to no avail. I had pretty much just given up on it but will def try this.

  12. #12
    hope it helps.. and hope its not needing the cable adjustment under the center counsel. that looks like a real PITA

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    I would imagine a light coat of anti seize would be fine.



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