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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Sturtevant, Wisconsin

    Would Gen V seat belts fit in Gen III

    Potentially a pretty mundane and lame change, but I've always liked the colored seat belts on the newer cars and was wondering if Gen V seat belts would bolt up to a Gen III. And if they are in, relatively, the same mounting points for safety.

    Any idea of the MSRP on the red seat belts from Mopar?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Spring, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Greg View Post
    Potentially a pretty mundane and lame change, but I've always liked the colored seat belts on the newer cars and was wondering if Gen V seat belts would bolt up to a Gen III. And if they are in, relatively, the same mounting points for safety.

    Any idea of the MSRP on the red seat belts from Mopar?

    I would be surprised if the fitment and length were the same plus the cost from Mopar and even availability might be tough. Have you thought about going with the color you want in a harness system?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Sturtevant, Wisconsin
    I don't currently do enough racing to invest in enough safety systems to justify a harness. I've read some comments here towards the notion that a harness only is safer when used in conjunction with a helmet and HANS device. I would be inclined to agree - the 'give' in a production seat belt is a good thing until you really get serious about racing. Which I am not yet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]

    The Gen 3-4 harness is a different part # from the 2013. This 'generally' means it wont work. DONT KNOW WHY.

    The MSRP prices are different, too. G3-4 Black is $272 .... Gen 5 "Header Red" is surprisingly just $250 each.

    That said, if you purchased a functional Auto-Cross / show-car 4 point RED harness system for $169 , and used it loosely (or not at all) with the inertia-reel OE belt against your body on public roads, you would have the best of both worlds for less $$.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Sturtevant, Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by JonB ~ PartsRack View Post

    The Gen 3-4 harness is a different part # from the 2013. This 'generally' means it wont work. DONT KNOW WHY.

    The MSRP prices are different, too. G3-4 Black is $272 .... Gen 5 "Header Red" is surprisingly just $250 each.

    That said, if you purchased a functional Auto-Cross / show-car 4 point RED harness system for $169 , and used it loosely (or not at all) with the inertia-reel OE belt against your body on public roads, you would have the best of both worlds for less $$.
    Excellent information, thank you!

    If anyone finds any information or pictures of the Gen V mounting points or belts, please direct me that way! I'm still interested in at least seeing why they would/wouldn't work.

    EDIT: I wonder what is included with the purchase of a belt from Mopar. Maybe the belt, buckle, and mechanism are the same but it comes with Gen V specific other things that can come off? I mean, a belt is a belt is a belt. If its the same length maybe it could be made to work for the Gen III/IV. Not that $500 in seat belts is the best value for money in modifications, but I just like it.
    Last edited by The_Greg; 03-19-2014 at 11:37 AM.



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