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  1. #1

    LED Tail Lights Gen 4

    I've read over the dozens of threads on this topic but they seem to all be on the old viper forums and LED tech has come a long way in 5+ years.

    I'm currently replacing all my tail, side marker, tag and turn signal lights to LED on my 2010 ACR. I bought the fancy LED Flasher module and while that cured the hyper flash I'm running into a really strange issue I've never had when changing over to LED. When I use my turn signal or hazards ALL of the LEDs flash. Literally all of them, even the tag lights. Has anyone done this swap and been successful without buy special LEDs that have built in resistors or other voodoo to make this work?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dayton, OH
    I had something weird like that crop up on my '08 when attempting to go all LED many years ago. I got frustrated throwing money and parts at the problem, and just use regular incandescent turn signal bulbs with everything else being LED. It works fine like that, so I just left well enough alone.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve M View Post
    I had something weird like that crop up on my '08 when attempting to go all LED many years ago. I got frustrated throwing money and parts at the problem, and just use regular incandescent turn signal bulbs with everything else being LED. It works fine like that, so I just left well enough alone.
    I shit you not, thats what I'm doing right this second lol. The whole thing started because one of my side market lights was out and well we all know how that goes. Fun fact the side marker light wasn't even plugged in which is why it wasn't working! I really wanted the tail lights in LED so they would come on at the same time as the third brake light, the turn signal/running lights were a bonus that unless someone has another idea will wait until those uber expensive 3157 amber LEDs with built in resistors come down in price. I have the huge heat sinked resistors but I really done want to try and jam them into viper. My DD pick up, sure, but the probability of melting something with the heat from the resistor on the viper combined with the cost of replacing anything that is melted.....not worth it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dayton, OH
    Found the that was a while ago:

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve M View Post
    Found the that was a while ago:
    Yep I read through that one and there was another one on there that spanned 12 pages. Final answer seemed to be.... maybe the flasher module will fix things but no promises.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The turn signals are based on a RCL Circuit and I suspect when changing the values affects them...........
    Simple answer , stick with the factory bulb.

  7. #7
    Replaced the standard....dim...slow incandesce bulbs and everything works again. Still have LEDs in the tag, hatch, reverse, brake, and rear side marker lights so there’s some modernization going on.

  8. #8
    I can't help you with your LED issues

    But I have a set of tinted taillights for GEN 3/4 that I will sell you if your interested.

    Shoot me a PM

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMadMachinist View Post
    I can't help you with your LED issues

    But I have a set of tinted taillights for GEN 3/4 that I will sell you if your interested.

    Shoot me a PM
    Ok? Good look selling your stuff. You can post an ad for free on this site.



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