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  1. #1

    Tie Down Options on Featherlite 3182

    Looking to see if anyone is trailering a Gen V ACR with a Featherlite 3182. I reached out to Macs and they suggested using wheel nets even though the airline track is not directly under the wheels, which seemed odd to me. Hoping someone here is using this trailer and can drop in some pictures of your tie down solution. I would appreciate it.
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  2. #2
    When I was using a Featherlite, used axle straps looped through the wheels to secure the front and rear. I've since switched to a Futura trailer and use a combination of over the wheel strap secured via MAC Tie-down tracks for the front and Futura straps to secure the rear. This combination prevents the front wheels from moving left or right as well as easy to put on and remove.

    You could use the Futura trailer style straps. They sling over/inside the tire and secured to the side of the trailer. You may need to get creative with the front to avoid the edges of the front splitter.

    Screen Shot 2020-06-11 at 9.45.02 AM.jpg
    Last edited by sharmut; 06-11-2020 at 12:59 PM.

  3. #3
    That's a beautiful car. Are you worried about rock chips from the Raptor?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Detroit, MI
    Would definitely get some mud guards

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I read in another thread on this forum to expect your gas mileage to drop when hauling a big wang ACR on an open trailer.

  6. #6
    I was waiting to come up with an air dam and tire rack solution, but mud flaps are a great idea in the meantime, never thought about that. And I am expecting the mileage drop, fortunately, I am only about 70 miles from the track, so shouldn't be much of a big deal. Will definitely be more comfortable than when I drive out there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Paradise Valley
    For that setup I would run straps through the wheels. Over the tire is best, but I wouldn't do it with how far wide your airline track is.

  8. #8
    I wonder why Featherlite decided to use airline tracks on deck wider than most cars. it's weird they do that and also have the tie down rails over the outside. I previously had a featherlite trailer and it used D-Ring Tie downs. I was going to convert to E-tracks but then I switched to an enclosed with E-tracks already installed.

  9. #9
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    Nov 2015
    Las Vegas/Phoenix
    MAC's makes a double lug anchor plate assembly that is basically a 6 inch section of "airline track" that you can bolt to the trailer bed wherever you want. That allows you to properly use the tire nets. They also have anchor rings (recessed if desired) that you can add in front and behind the tire so you have a place to attach the ratchets so they are not up under the car where they are hard to reach. My enclosed trailer has the airline rails pretty far apart also, so I bought the anchor plate assemblies and use the rubber block tire straps. I have also towed the Viper on an open trailer and the enclosed trailer using "s-hooks" (like you find on trailer safety chains) slipped into the angle iron jack pads on the car. I run the front straps parallel forward, and cross the rear straps to clear the strake extensions on the diffuser. - see photo.


    Viper Trailer 2.jpg

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by RT SERPENT View Post
    I read in another thread on this forum to expect your gas mileage to drop when hauling a big wang ACR on an open trailer.
    Ralph Gilles remarked on it as well I think he lost like 4 or 5 mph between his TA and ACR.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by jrubin80 View Post
    Looking to see if anyone is trailering a Gen V ACR with a Featherlite 3182. I reached out to Macs and they suggested using wheel nets even though the airline track is not directly under the wheels, which seemed odd to me. Hoping someone here is using this trailer and can drop in some pictures of your tie down solution. I would appreciate it.
    I'm looking to purchase the 3182 to haul my viper.

    1) Do you have any issues loading the viper on with the angle of the ramps? I just took a look at one of these trailers and the angle of the ramp to the deck seemed quite steep.

    2) Did you figure out a good mounting system?


  12. #12
    I use the Race Ramps TR5 and at track height with all aero installed it cleared with room to spare. But I do put a block under the jack and raise it up slightly and air up the tires before loading. If you go with a 20', it will come with 7' ramps, the 18' and shorter only comes with 6' ramps.

    I ordered a set of Mac's with 48" thru the wheel straps. They just showed up this weekend, and I have yet to do a test run with them to see how they work. But I can't see any issues that will pop up.

  13. #13
    Just to follow up in case anyone finds this thread:

    Viper: 2013 GTS stock height
    Trailer: 18' Featherlite 3182
    Ramps: 6' Ramps with RR Extenders (the thin extension piece used for their 3-part ramps) flipped upside down
    Trailer tongue block: None used or needed. Left the trailer level while attached to the tow vehicle

    In the wheel tie downs: Vulcan Wheel Tie Down Kit - Pro Series ($125 on amazon)
    Over the wheel lasso tie downs: Vulcan Lasso Auto Tie Down Kit - Pro Series ($150 on amazon)

    Anchor points used:
    In the Wheel straps --> Airline Track 2-stud pear shaped tie down points fore and aft of the vehicle
    Lasso Straps --> Chain wraped through and over the trailer stake pocket next to each wheel

    Experiences: Stock GTS touched on the 6' ramps without the extensions. With the extensions, plenty of clearance. However, the featherlite ramps dug into the foam RR extensions. See photo below. I may put something between to prevent the ramp from digging in. Or I may use wood to extend instead. Tie downs worked great. I used both types of tie downs for the piece of mind. I am sure with just one set you would be fine but I did not want to risk it. The trailer itself is excellent. This is my first time using a trailer but I can't think of many improvements for the price point.


  14. #14
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    New Braunfels, TX
    Looks to me like Featherlite is is screwing people out of at least 4" of deck width on that model. And Vipers need every bit they can get! I was at a track event back in '95 and saw a formula car roll up on a Sloan and I decided to build my own to fit both the Viper and a B-body. It's 26' overall, 18' x 82" deck with a shortened and narrowed truck sleeper box up front for tools, etc. It weighs 1900# with torsion axles. If I had to load a GenV ACR, I would need to modify the front anchors for proper clearance and accessibility.
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    Last edited by GTS Dean; 07-14-2020 at 08:57 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Kansas City, MO
    Why not just put down some E-Trak?

  16. #16
    IMG_0625.jpgIMG_0624.jpgIMG_0623.jpgLooks like a few people have looked at the thread so I thought I would toss out a few pictures I took this weekend using the Mac's set up.

  17. #17
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    Davisburg, Michigan
    I would recommend fastening the straps in an X fashion. Even with torsion axles these cars can move on the trailer. The front can be tougher than the back so start with the back. This advice from Roanoke who delivered many cars across the country.

  18. #18
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    Podunksburg, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by quickster2 View Post
    I would recommend fastening the straps in an X fashion. Even with torsion axles these cars can move on the trailer. The front can be tougher than the back so start with the back. This advice from Roanoke who delivered many cars across the country.
    Doesn't crossing straps interfere with the diffuser? Sounds like a pain in the arse if you have to take that off to trailer the car.



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