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  1. #1

    Adjustable pedals not working

    I'm having an odd (I think) issue since picking up my GenV. When pushing the pedal adjustment, the pedals don't move.

    In one direction (I think the up direction - button side toward rear of car) I can hear the motors make an attempt to rotate the screw (and can see all 3 very slightly torque) but it immediately gives up (similar feel to what commonly happens when your window is all the way up and you try to push it up further). I don't think they're all the way forward as it looks like there is a fair amount of travel left on the accelerator screw (maybe 1 inch left), but hard to know if there is an artificial limit in place.

    In the other direction (I think down - button side toward front), nothing happens - no noise, can't see the motors making an attempt to move.

    Any suggestions? The pedals in their current location aren't bad, but I'd like to be able to experiment with different driving positions as I'm looking out the top 5% of the windshield. Also, it'd just be nice if they worked...

    2014 SRT

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Have you tried to assist their movement manually ? ie push or pull or jiggle-free while powering them?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by JonB ~ PartsRack View Post
    Have you tried to assist their movement manually ? ie push or pull or jiggle-free while powering them?
    Only lightly - I haven't wanted to force anything and thought the fact that it wasn't even trying to move in the down direction might be a hint that there is an electrical issue (or a manual lock/stop or something about which I was unaware) so I haven't used any force or tried to manually rotate the screws for fear of breaking something

  4. #4
    For anyone interested (or someone who might find this later on) - After some more putzing, I got them to start moving. I think they had been push to the up/rear limit so many times that the clutch and brake screws had essentially tightened themselves against the plastic collar like a nut. Pushing with a bit of force while pressing the down/rear button freed them. They are still a little hesitant, (first few tries after breaking them free they needed help to move either direction) but after a little assistance in both directions, the motors can move them again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Detroit, MI
    Be careful with them. The pedal assembly is a non serviceable item and costs $3k. I don’t even bother touching them. Already had mine replaced once for falling apart. Eventually I will take that crap out and fix the pedals to my liking. Dumb shit like this on the viper is what scares me. Whole system has plastic components everywhere.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by sadil View Post
    Dumb shit like this on the viper is what scares me.
    I'm with you on this. There's a lot that scares me on these things. Another classic is the cheap shit window bosses...window module...window regulator. Now my Uconnect infotainment system works once per day...turn off the car...come back a little while and the u-can't-connect gets stuck...says loading... 24hrs later, it will work again...once. I'm not screwing with pedal assembly now. All this crap adds up...almost like FCA never tested this crap. Design/manufacture/install...they forgot the test phase.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Davisburg, Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by Gen5snake View Post
    I'm with you on this. There's a lot that scares me on these things. Another classic is the cheap shit window bosses...window module...window regulator. Now my Uconnect infotainment system works once per day...turn off the car...come back a little while and the u-can't-connect gets stuck...says loading... 24hrs later, it will work again...once. I'm not screwing with pedal assembly now. All this crap adds up...almost like FCA never tested this crap. Design/manufacture/install...they forgot the test phase.
    The testing of the brake sled and other safety components are mandated by the government. Sadil hit the nail on the head. There is not enough feedback to determine root cause effectively and in a timely manner. Combined with what is now a discontinued product and the long standing practice for many to avoid the dealer for repair work, this is where we are at. The window bosses and many other components are carry over and most of us know the GEN V was developed on a shoestring budget. Not trying to make excuses, but for a niche high performance vehicle it is not bad. I can tell you my 2012 Porsche Cayenne S was an expensive nightmare once out of warranty. I'm glad I sold it last fall. Many, many, product design failures and Porsche never stuck by the owners.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by quickster2 View Post
    The testing of the brake sled and other safety components are mandated by the government. Sadil hit the nail on the head. There is not enough feedback to determine root cause effectively and in a timely manner. Combined with what is now a discontinued product and the long standing practice for many to avoid the dealer for repair work, this is where we are at. The window bosses and many other components are carry over and most of us know the GEN V was developed on a shoestring budget. Not trying to make excuses, but for a niche high performance vehicle it is not bad. I can tell you my 2012 Porsche Cayenne S was an expensive nightmare once out of warranty. I'm glad I sold it last fall. Many, many, product design failures and Porsche never stuck by the owners.
    A friend of mine, a long time P-car enthusiast, who has many 911 variants (and also a 2016 ACR which he tracked, now sold) has said the same thing about the 2 Cayennes he has owned - NEVER EVER own one out of warranty!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Detroit, MI
    Not to mention there are just not enough sales to compile failure data. The car was such a flop that only 3500 are driving around and lots of those just sitting doing nothing. As a design engineer, I need feedback from the market and unfortunately the designers at Chrysler barely get any through their warranty system. Data points are critical. Sadly, the claims will be forgotten and we will eat the cost when the time comes.

  10. #10
    We can all just choose to sell them while they're in one piece

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    I guess some of these other manufacturers put things in perspective. The majority of the imports are a nightmare out of warranty. That's how they get you to buy a new one.



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