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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Paradise Valley

    Common part failures on track

    I'm headed to Nebraska for in a few weeks. It's a long drive for me. Would suck to break something on Friday before I can get a fast time down during the weekend. If you have had a part failure on track in a Gen 5, what was it? Any sensors, parts, etc. I'll try to get these added to my trailer. Please don't mention burnt wiring as we all know about that and mine are all wrapped up. Thanks!

  2. #2
    In the Comp Coupe I carry Fluids, extra Transmission, Jack Stands, Extra Brake Fluid,
    Rotors can crack, brake pads, Hubs, If you can bring spare motor. Thats a start....AZV you
    are a racer....Just bring what you always take to the track. Who knows maybe some vendors will
    be there with extra parts...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Greenwood Village, CO
    burnt wiring. No just busting your balls although that did happen with my Gen 4 ACR even with insulation while at Nebraska. Lugs can break especially when you are changing tires when they are still hot. The studs are a pain to change at the track without removing the hub. The right Dodge tool helps to push out the broken stud. Got to remember to bring mine. Maybe just bring a couple of spare hubs front and rear and the metal gaskets that go between them and the spindles. I've had a SS brake line start to leak. Bring a code reader. Spare brake pads and rotors. Also oil, brake fluid, brake bleeder kit. Spare nuts and bolts in various sizes. Soldering iron, wire kit, Mothers R3 Race Rubber Remover. Towels, window cleaner, ebrake pads (if you still have them), extra tires, 200 mph tape, fuses in various sizes.
    Last edited by ViperGeorge; 05-08-2020 at 10:03 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Winnipeg, Manitoba
    I saw a Gen V ACR absolutely destroy a set of front tires in no time at all a few years ago. I was surprised how many guys brought extra sets with them.

  5. #5
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    Paradise Valley
    Quote Originally Posted by Rare Snake View Post
    I saw a Gen V ACR absolutely destroy a set of front tires in no time at all a few years ago. I was surprised how many guys brought extra sets with them.
    I'm bringing 4 sets
    Last edited by Arizona Vipers; 05-08-2020 at 12:20 PM.

  6. #6
    Cam Bolts on the timing gear, spare timing gear, extra crank with timing gear, timing chain, at least 10 new pistons, complete set of valves. Oh, and a pair of jessel rockers if you don't have those already.

  7. #7
    Supporting Vendor
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    Make your self some good luck. Go over the entire car first, Nut bolt, change all fluids, bleed brakes , new belt, new brakes or new pads at least, tires, visual check wheels for cracks. Inventory all the tools used to do all this work and make sure they are in your war wagon or trailer. You have raced your car enough just go back over your race notes and look for failures or problems you had in the past and prep for those also. You should have all the basics in your trailer already I imagine?. Nebraska isnt BFE either . Dirt tracks, and dirt track shops are in every town so universal race parts and and fellow racers ready to help in a jam are plentiful.

  8. #8
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    Paradise Valley
    This tread got off track fast, I know what to bring to the race track, I was just wondering if anyone has had any specific failures on the track. The only one I have had all these years that I can remember was the PCM. Nothing else has broke. I've got rotors and pads etc.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperGeorge View Post
    burnt wiring. No just busting your balls although that did happen with my Gen 4 ACR even with insulation while at Nebraska.
    I've actually got way too much insulation wrap at this point, probably 20 lbs all added up. I need to go through and get rid of where I can clearly see it's not needed. But burnt wiring has indeed ruined a couple track weekends for me hehe.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arizona Vipers View Post
    I'm headed to Nebraska for in a few weeks. It's a long drive for me. Would suck to break something on Friday before I can get a fast time down during the weekend. If you have had a part failure on track in a Gen 5, what was it? Any sensors, parts, etc. I'll try to get these added to my trailer. Please don't mention burnt wiring as we all know about that and mine are all wrapped up. Thanks!
    Oil Pressure Sensor seems to be a culprit over the years

  11. #11
    The only thing i have had go bad at the track is a ABS speed sensor. mine was the right rear. when they go out you are done when your abs does not work when you touch the brake they lock up.

  12. #12
    The only item I can think of would be a serpentine belt.

  13. #13
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    Bring a primary and secondary O2 sensor. This is my fifth year at Hastings. I always carry a pair in my trailer. 2 years ago I needed a primary, Original just died no obvious reason. Last year a fellow competitor needed one. I was a hero in his mind as it saved his weekend. I have Gen 3 ignition wire set and a Gen 4-5 Wire set along with a complete car set of ABS Sensors. I also carry a Gen 3 Throttle cable.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by 09 ACR View Post
    The only thing i have had go bad at the track is a ABS speed sensor. mine was the right rear. when they go out you are done when your abs does not work when you touch the brake they lock up.
    Yup, not only lose ABS you also lose front to rear proportioning. Makes the next corner EXCITING!

  15. #15
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    Aug 2016
    O2 sensors, especially the upstream one.

    You don’t wanna see the car goes to limp mode on a track day.
    Last edited by q8blueviper; 05-08-2020 at 09:02 PM.

  16. #16
    Check Ball Joints for play & alignment. I tracked my GTS hard once and think they might have been effected.

  17. #17
    Arizonas car doesnt have any 02 sensors!

  18. #18
    Ok I can't resist... Bring the following:

    1. Crystal ball so you know what will break ahead of time
    2. Spare race car
    3. Lots of beer

    Just kidding. Hope you have a great time and wish I could pull of that trip. I have to live vicariously until my girls are out of the house and off to college (only 7 more years to go).

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Don’t you need the front O2s for A/F feedback?

  20. #20
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    Dana Point
    Quote Originally Posted by Arizona Vipers View Post
    I'm headed to Nebraska for in a few weeks. It's a long drive for me. Would suck to break something on Friday before I can get a fast time down during the weekend. If you have had a part failure on track in a Gen 5, what was it? Any sensors, parts, etc. I'll try to get these added to my trailer. Please don't mention burnt wiring as we all know about that and mine are all wrapped up. Thanks!
    AZ, call Dan Cragin, he's supporting a 1/2 dozen G5's that regularly track.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Magnolia , TX
    Both head gaskets. They leaked a year apart for me, both on the track. Caught the driver's side in the pits and lost the weekend after 1 session with a modest leak. Second I noticed temp change while on track, came in and found the catch can had a mix of water and oil and it was half full in 1 session. Caught it soon enough both times that the engine was fine but it cut both weekends short. Running a stock set up besides some cooling items from Doug Shelby, nothing like your setup. I know of 4 other cars that needed at least one changed where it showed up at the track and the car went on the trailer.

    Changing the gaskets is a pretty straightforward thing, I know I wouldn't be comfortable doing it in the paddock but I bet it'd be no big deal for you.

    I agree with O2 and abs sensors too, seen them as well just not on my car (yet).

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by sadil View Post
    Don’t you need the front O2s for A/F feedback?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scot@Prefix View Post
    Arizonas car doesnt have any 02 sensors!
    3 ounces gone with wiring!

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toxic View Post
    Both head gaskets. They leaked a year apart for me, both on the track. Caught the driver's side in the pits and lost the weekend after 1 session with a modest leak. Second I noticed temp change while on track, came in and found the catch can had a mix of water and oil and it was half full in 1 session. Caught it soon enough both times that the engine was fine but it cut both weekends short. Running a stock set up besides some cooling items from Doug Shelby, nothing like your setup. I know of 4 other cars that needed at least one changed where it showed up at the track and the car went on the trailer.

    Changing the gaskets is a pretty straightforward thing, I know I wouldn't be comfortable doing it in the paddock but I bet it'd be no big deal for you.

    I agree with O2 and abs sensors too, seen them as well just not on my car (yet).
    Are you running headers?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    ABS sensors

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