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blknblubkrdude ARH Install Engine Isolator... 04-15-2020, 11:32 AM
Steve M Were the Belangers centered? ... 04-15-2020, 01:57 PM
Steve-Indy Unless the engine was lifted... 04-15-2020, 02:10 PM
Steve M This is also a good... 04-15-2020, 02:17 PM
Camfab Here’s the thing, even though... 04-15-2020, 05:48 PM
Dan Cragin Every car is a little... 04-15-2020, 06:44 PM
blknblubkrdude 45356 Pulled the stock... 09-27-2020, 10:11 AM
  1. #1

    ARH Install Engine Isolator Adjustment

    What's the trick to getting the ARH collectors to center in the GenIV frame? My engine isolators are in good shape @ 20k miles, equal heights with no compression or tears.

    Previous owner had Belangers so I'm sure the engine positioning has been played with before.

    Drivers side is high, and passenger side is low

    Is shimming the mounts the only way I am going to accomplish this?
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dayton, OH
    Were the Belangers centered?

    You should not have to shim the engine mounts to make those headers work. I'd contact ARH and see what they have to say.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Unless the engine was lifted off of the mounts for the inspection, I wouldn't count on them being "in good shape" many have been deceived by their appearance with the engine in place.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dayton, OH
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve-Indy View Post
    Unless the engine was lifted off of the mounts for the inspection, I wouldn't count on them being "in good shape" many have been deceived by their appearance with the engine in place.
    This is also a good really need to take them out to be able to fully inspect the mounts. Been there, done that. If you are doing headers, now is the time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    So Cal
    Here’s the thing, even though my perspective is with a couple of Gen II’s. These cars have similar traits. The mounts go start to sag in short order, I went through two sets then settled on woodhouse mounts long before I ever hit 20k in mileage. With each and every set, the headers sat just slightly different. Because the OEM exhaust is a short manifold with a flex connector there is room for slight manufacturing variances. Anytime you run a tube from the block all the way to the sidesill, your going to have variations. Remember this is not an OEM product, so the vehicle that the header was based off of may have likely been newer, or simply slightly different than yours. I have built, tried more exhaust variations than most people, and can tell you that I’ve always tweaked them, to get them perfect.

  6. #6
    Tech Team

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Santa Monica Ca
    Every car is a little different. New mounts will make the engine sit higher. You can loosen up the bolts that hold the brackets to the motor for the motor mounts and get some adjustment there. The pipe does not need to be perfectly centered, but you need to make sure the turn out id not to close to the top or bottom as it can cause a rattle when the engine torques over.

  7. #7

    Pulled the stock engine mounts out and they were in great condition, not compressed, ripped or damaged in any way.

    Ended up getting the Innovate engine mounts with 75A bushings. Super beefy, high quality units! They were cheaper than Woodhouse as well.

    The new mounts allowed me to adjust the engine in a way to get header collector's centered in the frame.

    Even with the exhaust centered, the passenger side collector was swept too far forward and didn't allow the 3" catless corsa exhaust to bolt up.
    I ended up having my friend pie cut the "j-pipe" to get the correct angle which would allow exhaust to bolt up without binding.

    I've already put 4k abusive miles on the setup this summer and it has been flawless!! Shocked how well the Corsa can mute the drone on a 1-7/8" catless setup



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