A white GEN V has been spotted in the Omaha area. No details as it was reported to me by one of my many spotters.
A white GEN V has been spotted in the Omaha area. No details as it was reported to me by one of my many spotters.
Get'em Prez!
One of our customers, had a black/white 08' before.
Ha, ha.............gee, Bruce , you forgot to call your number 1 spotter, hehe!!
hope to see it around town soon!
It did not have plates on it yet, but they stated maybe a blue oval. i was guessing a Woodhouse Vehicle.
member or prospect?
A yellow GEN II GTS was spotted on 03/13 in Omaha on our salty streets.
Tony did have his "new" to him gen 4 ACR. Gray with black center band. At don and millies tonight.
Last edited by HPmopars; 03-15-2014 at 05:26 AM.
Tony's new car looks fantastic and has all the right mods on it. He needs to contact the seller and get the front splitter option from them. Did a search on the car and was sold to Woodhouse, so it is back at home again.
A white GTS near 168th and center parked in the Legacy shopping center last night
card on the windscreen?
Yes, sorry a GEN V and too dark for pics. I hear there is an R/T 10 lurking around too.
So what color RT was seen??
I think it is red.
How did this get here?
That wouldn't happen to be the one I saw at Woodhouse last Friday, would it?!
- - - Updated - - -
....the one you spoke of?
Be interesting to see this beast when Bruce gets the rims switched ----------have a feeling it will go from a beautiful redhead , to a sinister Cougar ( well it is a Gen II , an older model ,ha,ha)
Spotted a Venum Red no stripes SRT today at approx. 5:30 pm on Hwy 133 & State in Omaha. Anyone on here we know?
Not that I know.....(heads and eyes turn to Prez & Vice Prez)
I am not aware of that car
It would have been a 2008 since it was Venum red and The one I saw was a coupe.