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  1. #1

    Corona Contingency

    Not to be a downer and I hope it doesnt come to it but with Colleges,NBA, Travel from Europe, working from home etc. it seems like we should have contingency plan and date set up to implement it ?

    I know everyone involved might be working on something however was wondering if you guys have something you can share at this time ?


  2. #2
    I agree. I would like to know ahead of time. First I couldnt go bc of work, then changed the schedule, but now I'm getting not particularly excited. Kinda worried. Imagine if one or more of us came back with Corona and gave it to our families.

  3. #3
    VOA Mamba Member
    since 2013

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    Oct 2013
    Those cancellations are generally over the next week or two at this time. NVE4 is still 6 weeks out and nobody has any idea how all this will play out. Will it go away or will everyone in the entire world get sick? If I knew that answer I wouldn't be working for a living!!

    We are monitoring the situation but at this time the party is ON!

    Now ya'll get your cars out of hibernation and get them cleaned up while getting some fresh air and sunshine! Oh yes, wash your hands, drink lots of water to flush any of those nasty germs down the hatch into that rough ol' stomach acid to kill it and take plenty of Vitamin C for what ails ya!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    You need to fight this outbreak with good Venom

  5. #5
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    Podunksburg, PA

  6. #6
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Savage View Post
    If you wear that to the Beach Bryan , make sure someone is filming everything from a distance.....
    Film at !

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    You can never get too much Orange in the Sunshine State

  8. #8
    VOA Mamba Member
    since 2017
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    As humorous as some of this can be...I have learned the hard way here on the forums that not everyone gets a particular joke or another's sense of humor. And since many are worried about the topic (I am not one, but know many) let's.....

    ....please stand down on this and other threads on the topic.

    The authorities are work through the issues and then the venues can provide guidance on options. Everyone, please take a breath and let the President work thru this without comment. There is a lot of pressure on Beth at all fronts.

    Just imagine if this was your event and everyone piled on with opinions that have no impact on what the contracts say, what Hilton/Homestead can to workout, or what the authorities decide.

    So, in my opinion, detail your Viper - it looks dirty from here

    If you like to talk further, please feel free to give me a ring and a piece of your mind ....

    98 Ronzello PVP Pilot GT2
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  9. #9
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    PM Sent

  10. #10
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    Fairfax County, VA
    Currently my wife and I are in quarantine waiting on test results for Corona virus. All of a sudden the trip to Miami is the last thing on our minds.

    If the state bans gatherings, VOA will have no choice but to postpone or cancel.

    PS- We feel horrible.

  11. #11
    Larry - hopefully the tests will be negative. We will keep you guys in our thoughts

    Not sure why its a big deal for people to post there opinions on the forum what ever there side of it is? After all this isnt China

    We know how hard a work it is to produce the event and how much pressure there is with the uncertainty for those that planned the event . However sometimes its good to hear peoples opinions on the topic as well.
    For all we know this passes over in a couple of week but from what it looks like its might not even be your decisions to have it or not . That might be made by the local governments

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Podunksburg, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Larryskillzs View Post
    Currently my wife and I are in quarantine waiting on test results for Corona virus. All of a sudden the trip to Miami is the last thing on our minds.

    If the state bans gatherings, VOA will have no choice but to postpone or cancel.

    PS- We feel horrible.
    The best to both of you!!!! Please keep us updated!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Davisburg, Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Savage View Post
    Some day we got to have a couple of brews together

  14. #14
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ACR Steve View Post
    For all we know this passes over in a couple of week but from what it looks like its might not even be your decisions to have it or not . That might be made by the local governments
    Yep, this is playing out across the country right now. Hopefully with the preemptive closures and cancellations states are taking right will help in 6 weeks. Good luck.
    Last edited by ViperTony; 03-12-2020 at 08:12 PM.

  15. #15
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    Cameron, NC
    Im sure others like myself are not as worried of the virus concern as much as I am of the financial concern. If everyone continues to freak out and the market doesn't recover quickly. All these companies shutting down for the month. Means people aren't making money and probably not spending it. I know the company I work for is already making huge cuts and will probably shut down a little while. The recovery from just that will also take a long time and won't happen until people start spending. If that happens it wouldn't be smart for me to spend any more money however would hate to lose the $1k I already spent. I do think it's to early to decide anything now but I hope you all will take the economic side when deciding over the next couple weeks what to do.

  16. #16
    Kudos to Beth. Not an easy time. I hope that the contracts allow you some flexibility if needed. No one could have predicted this. On a lighter note, do you know how Grocery stores spell Corona virus? KCHING. Who knew so many people could be so anxious about toilet paper? Its really crazy out there.

  17. #17
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    Fairfax County, VA
    Just wanted to update everyone that my wife was negative for COVID-19. We found out today. It took 4 days to get the results.

    Our anxiety now is, it's not a matter of if, but when she's going to get infected. The hospital is already getting full with infected patients and she will be around them every time she's on service. We can be carrying the infection for up to 2 weeks without having symptoms. Say we leave for Miami and have symptoms when we arrive? This is an absolute nightmare.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    We will follow your lead. We are a GO here in Florida.

  19. #19
    Great news on your wife stay safe

    Unfortunately I cant see that the event will proceed .

    The country will be shutting down for a while. In NY, Ct, NJ Restaurants ,Bars, Catering Halls, Gyms, malls etc. all closed down. Its only a matter of time till the whole country follows. My race events are being cancelled and thats just racing . Social events like this are never going to happen Unfortunately.

    It all boils down to a simple equitation that the country will not have enough ICU Beds in Hospitals. Not enough respirators in the country. If anyone knows people in Italy I am sure they have heard the complete horror stories with there health care system completely over run. Its only a matter of time until all states limit groups to 10 or less
    Last edited by ACR Steve; 03-17-2020 at 11:54 AM.

  20. #20
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ACR Steve View Post
    Its only a matter of time until all states limit groups to 10 or less
    This happened already, at least for the states near in and around us. Not an easy situation to deal with at any level let alone for a car club. I hope that the club continues its' open and transparent communications as it navigates its' options but its a wait and see approach for many organizations at the moment on a number of fronts.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Far enough west of Toledo
    Stand down on this thread and other threads on this topic? What a shame....
    Last edited by Mopar'er no car; 03-17-2020 at 11:36 AM.

  22. #22
    Event won't be canceled unless the state signs an order that forces it to cancel so they can get the insurance money. Assuming they have a policy covering cancellation due to certain circumstances.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Cameron, NC
    NC just shut down dining in, at all restaurants and bars. This is part of the pattern that's coming. The financial end of this is gonna to be bad. Why no just poll the membership on what they want to do. We all understand that there will be funds lost and it will have to be less extravagant on the make up date. Most won't have a problem with that. Ask them if they prefer to keep it, cancel it or just offer refunds to those who want it. If alot back out then adjust events accordingly. Just my opinion but majority vote I think is the best choice in this situation.
    Last edited by braunstein82; 03-17-2020 at 09:33 PM.

  24. #24
    It’s going to get cancelled. People need to stay home.

  25. #25
    As much as I am looking forward to the NVE, my thoughts go to...with restaurants ordered closed, bars closed (until end of March for now), churches closed, kids out of school, Norstrom's closed, some banks closed for 6 weeks, Hilton/Best Western occupancy down to 10%, CDC saying no gatherings of 250 people, then down to 50 and now down to 10, etc...Will the threat of this coronavirus just disappear in 40 days after all of this hype? Honestly, I'm not comfortable at this point.

    I feel especially bad for all of the volunteers who worked countless hours over the two years in preparing for event. A monumental task!

    Guess we'll just need to wait and see.
    Last edited by Viper 55; 03-18-2020 at 12:30 AM.

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