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  1. #1

    Observation Idea and Question

    I know that the hisstory of NVE and prior similar events by the VCA has been that it is an all or nothing event. ( Pay for all even if one cannot or does not wish to attend all events.) But with the car out of production and current club membership under 1500, isn't it time to at least open up the dinners in the ballroom for anyone who currently owns a Viper? If it makes it easier to do so, it certainly would be fair to charge a reasonable premium ( say $50.00 per person above cost ) to allow same. FYI. I have been a Viper owner since 1999 and live in Miami. I have owned a black 2014 Viper TA since November, 2013. It has an interesting production hisstory.

  2. #2
    Join the club, pay for the event like everyone else, then you will have the opportunity to go. Plenty of people who paid to attend NVE will be missing out on some of the events (people who arrive late, leave early, can't make a day if your local, a spouse or friend that is coming in one viper with a driver and not able to drive a viper on the track etc...) It is what it is, club membership has it's perks.

  3. #3
    I only say this because there are already over 100 people registered for the dinner, there isn't a shortage of attendees, they actually had to expand...

  4. #4
    Regional President
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    NVE4 is 99% sold out and the Friday night dinner with the Legends of Viper is now over 150 guests and climbing. Like MambaFangzz, said there is no need to open things up to folks who don't want to attend the whole event.

  5. #5
    1. I am a Member of the VOA.
    2. The old policy is short sighted, elitist and exclusive as opposed to inclusive.
    3. It is not a matter of "need to open it up". The VOA is not a business. It is a Nonprofit entity. It is a matter of including as many members as possible in Club activities. Requiring all members to pay for all activities in order to attend a dinner is not consistent with that mission.
    3. How many current Viper owners are there Nationwide? How many are club members?
    4. There is no harm in allowing members to pay for and attend the final dinner at a premium.
    5. I expected the somewhat hostile responses above. But, I figured that there was no harm in asking. Take care.

  6. #6
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unlimtd View Post
    1. I am a Member of the VOA.
    2. The old policy is short sighted, elitist and exclusive as opposed to inclusive.
    3. It is not a matter of "need to open it up". The VOA is not a business. It is a Nonprofit entity. It is a matter of including as many members as possible in Club activities. Requiring all members to pay for all activities in order to attend a dinner is not consistent with that mission.
    3. How many current Viper owners are there Nationwide? How many are club members?
    4. There is no harm in allowing members to pay for and attend the final dinner at a premium.
    5. I expected the somewhat hostile responses above. But, I figured that there was no harm in asking. Take care.
    As one of the people who created this event, I would be more than happy to chat with you. Please call me at 248-705-1245. I look forward to your input!
    98 Ronzello PVP Pilot GT2
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Viperenvy View Post
    As one of the people who created this event, I would be more than happy to chat with you. Please call me at 248-705-1245. I look forward to your input!
    Thanks for the chat.

  8. #8
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    Rochester Hills, MI & Orlando, FL
    Many of the older members may recall that the Viper Invitationals of old were for all owners, not just club members. Club members did receive a discount if I recall correctly. Acted as a great method to improve club membership. This is different than the ala carte concept proposed here, but a thought for future events if increasing the clubs scope is desired.

  9. #9
    Regional President
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    Bob P, as usual stirring the pot. Your comments are insensitive and only aim to throw shade at those individuals who volunteer enormous amounts of their time and bust their butts to put these events together. Let me make this more transparent to anyone that cares to read any further. You sent me a number of LENGTHY emails about this very matter weeks ago and our Holiday Party. I responded in a polite and timely manner, taking my time to explain all of this in great detail so you might understand. For you to continue to take to the forums throwing around words like "elitist" "short sighted" & "noninclusive" is a slap to the face. You claimed that the Breakers (a 5 star resort) was a poor location and that the food was terrible so you would not be attending. Funny, the almost 40 members that cared to show up all had a great time and all enjoyed the food down to the last bite. Your real problem was that you didn't want to make the 1 hour drive, although the last 2 years had been in your neck of the woods. Our region covers from Key West to Jupiter, quite selfish of you to demand that the party keep happening in your backyard 3 years in a row. This is a car club, not a court of law, it is meant to be fun and drama free, you just seem to take enjoyment out of ridicule and belittling the folks that put in the work, like you are superior to them. I have informed Brian, to not waste his valuable time on you and your games as I will no longer either.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by TheWessss View Post
    Bob P, as usual stirring the pot. Your comments are insensitive and only aim to throw shade at those individuals who volunteer enormous amounts of their time and bust their butts to put these events together. Let me make this more transparent to anyone that cares to read any further. You sent me a number of LENGTHY emails about this very matter weeks ago and our Holiday Party. I responded in a polite and timely manner, taking my time to explain all of this in great detail so you might understand. For you to continue to take to the forums throwing around words like "elitist" "short sighted" & "noninclusive" is a slap to the face. You claimed that the Breakers (a 5 star resort) was a poor location and that the food was terrible so you would not be attending. Funny, the almost 40 members that cared to show up all had a great time and all enjoyed the food down to the last bite. Your real problem was that you didn't want to make the 1 hour drive, although the last 2 years had been in your neck of the woods. Our region covers from Key West to Jupiter, quite selfish of you to demand that the party keep happening in your backyard 3 years in a row. This is a car club, not a court of law, it is meant to be fun and drama free, you just seem to take enjoyment out of ridicule and belittling the folks that put in the work, like you are superior to them. I have informed Brian, to not waste his valuable time on you and your games as I will no longer either.
    Sorry you are so angry. I stick by my comments and I do not think that they belittle anyone. It is a policy discussion. Your last email to me said to discuss this with National since it was their policy and that you did not have the power to do anything about it. That is what the post is doing. I will call Viperenvy and discuss the issue. He seems like a reasonable fellow. I think inclusion is always better than exclusion - especially in a car club. BTW, if you can make it from my house to the Breakers ( 86.5 miles) in one hour, you must have special privileges. The issue with the "Holiday Party" which you seem to have forgotten, were that it was too far for me to drive any car, never mind my Viper, with a recent total knee replacement having been done ( which you learned about at the party we both attended); the party was after the holidays;and, an admittedly a subjective aspect - I had previously been to the Breakers restaurant involved and was not impressed. If you look at the email again, you will see that I wished you all a good time.
    Last edited by Unlimtd; 03-03-2020 at 08:18 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    "Older Members" ??

    ViperSRT is correct as usual. Some of the later VOIs { I think member rates began with #5 } offered a small discount to VCA members, but more importantly VCA membership offered EARLY REGISTRATION to VCA members because VOI events always sold out. Some were HUGE! [#2 was initially dragging, but the FREE HARD TOP offer sold VOI-2 out in a few days. Amazing]

    Back in those early days, and even now, a handful of Viper Owners and VCA members "Local to the event" did not see the real value, and asked for ala-carte credentials. Dodge did NOT allow this. A couple events even had paid security to check creds. Daimler cut the VOI and Club budgets in 2000+ and required the VCA regions to help JRT develop attendance, a slightly more substantial discount was offered, and later {# 10? } VOIs became a Members-only VCA Event. Now a VOA event.

    One specific vendor did not want to be a paid SPONSOR at a VOI, and tried to set up his booth / tent OUTSIDE the private parking track venue to show and sell his wares! JRT's Fiona McKenna had to solicit a couple of us to try and talk sense, but he was a brick wall. She ended up having to call security to evict the freeloader. Bless her capable heart! He moved about 1000 yards away but kept a presence.

    Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 03-03-2020 at 02:10 PM.

  12. #12
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    Rochester Hills, MI & Orlando, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by JonB ~ PartsRack View Post
    "Older Members" ??

    ViperSRT is correct as usual. Some of the later VOIs { I think member rates began with #5 } offered a small discount to VCA members, but more importantly VCA membership offered EARLY REGISTRATION to VCA members because VOI events always sold out. Some were HUGE! [#2 was initially dragging, but the FREE HARD TOP offer sold VOI-2 out in a few days. Amazing]

    Back in those early days, and even now, a handful of Viper Owners and VCA members "Local to the event" did not see the real value, and asked for ala-carte credentials. Dodge did NOT allow this. A couple events even had paid security to check creds. Daimler cut the VOI and Club budgets in 2000+ and required the VCA regions to help JRT develop attendance, a slightly more substantial discount was offered, and later {# 10? } VOIs became a Members-only VCA Event. Now a VOA event.
    Older, yep. Can't be young if we had a Viper 25 years ago

    I think the first VCA only event was 11 in Salt Lake City (coinciding with the rise of the joker from Kansas). Pretty sure VOI 10 in Detroit was supported by Dodge.

  13. #13
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSRT View Post
    Older, yep. Can't be young if we had a Viper 25 years ago

    I think the first VCA only event was 11 in Salt Lake City (coinciding with the rise of the joker from Kansas). Pretty sure VOI 10 in Detroit was supported by Dodge.
    VOI 11 was also financially supported by Dodge as was VOI 12 in Charlotte.

  14. #14
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    Unlimtd: Fla Member,

    Maybe you can quietly become a +1 paid Legends Dinner guest / Spouse of a NVE attending member ? {Do you have a friend in your club?}

    Quote Originally Posted by Unlimtd View Post
    I know that the hisstory of NVE and prior similar events by the VCA has been that it is an all or nothing event. ( Pay for all even if one cannot or does not wish to attend all events.) But with the car out of production and current club membership under 1500, isn't it time to at least open up the dinners in the ballroom for anyone who currently owns a Viper? If it makes it easier to do so, it certainly would be fair to charge a reasonable premium ( say $50.00 per person above cost ) to allow same. FYI. I have been a Viper owner since 1999 and live in Miami. I have owned a black 2014 Viper TA since November, 2013. It has an interesting production hisstory.
    Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 03-03-2020 at 02:09 PM.

  15. #15
    Regional President
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonB ~ PartsRack View Post
    Unlimtd: Fla Member,

    Maybe you can quietly become a +1 paid Legends Dinner guest / Spouse of a NVE attending member ? {Do you have a friend in your club?}
    Jon B, as a supporting Vendor, not sure why you would suggest to someone a means to try and "quietly" bypass our event in a public forum. It doesn't make sense anyway, the OP is a VOA member. However even guests are required to have a full paid ticket to the NVE event. Therefore no need to do anything quietly or even suggest it. For example, wives are most members +1, they pay the same in the past whether they were tracking or not. This is why we added the "track alternative" day to give real value to those that attend but do not wish to track or don't bring their Vipers. All of these events come at great expense to our club and the ticket prices barley cover the events. The club has out layed most of the money for the event well in advance. As I'm sure you know the entire event is put on by volunteers in an effort to help keep costs down further since we no longer have much factory support for them.

  16. #16
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    Wesss. NO BYPASS !

    Im just saying, IF he has a friend attending without their Spouse, maybe he could pay the $85 and attend 1 pre-NVE dinner ?

    Not a bypass, but paying the rate. Heck, the Legends Dinner [before the NVE] could be a Scalpers' delight sellout. Congrats on a GREAT sounding event.

    JonBonJovi tickets would sell for a bit more.... [the OTHER JonB]
    Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 03-03-2020 at 02:53 PM.

  17. #17
    Regional President
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonB ~ PartsRack View Post
    Wesss. NO BYPASS !

    Im just saying, IF he has a friend attending without their Spouse, maybe he could pay the $85 and attend 1 pre-NVE dinner ?

    Not a bypass, but paying the rate. Heck, the Legends Dinner [before the NVE] could be a Scalpers' delight sellout. Congrats on a GREAT sounding event.

    JonBonJovi tickets would sell for a bit more.... [the OTHER JonB]

    Thanks for editing your response and clearing that up. Both these events are almost at capacity that is the main reason we do not allow non paid NVE guests to either. The Friday dinner was meant to be a bit more private to allow ample time for Q&A, stories, pictures, & autographs. Being we already had to relocate the event once, not that anyone like the OP would care about all that extra work for us. On a good note, I think we will have the BonJovi's of Viper Legends in attendance for dinner and they are all "wanted" preferably alive, lol.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonB ~ PartsRack View Post
    Wesss. NO BYPASS !

    Im just saying, IF he has a friend attending without their Spouse, maybe he could pay the $85 and attend 1 pre-NVE dinner ?

    Not a bypass, but paying the rate. Heck, the Legends Dinner [before the NVE] could be a Scalpers' delight sellout. Congrats on a GREAT sounding event.

    JonBonJovi tickets would sell for a bit more.... [the OTHER JonB]
    Tell me about it just paid or rather the wife just paid $5600 for two tickets at MSG in July

  19. #19
    VOA Mamba Member
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    All of you have lost sight of the "old club" versus the "new club". The old club enjoyed massive financial support from the manufacturer. Dodge paid for almost everything for the VOIs so they could pick and choose attendance. Dodge has taken the position they will not support either club therefore these events must pay for themselves.

    The cost associated with it is over $500,000 which makes it an all or nothing attendance situation. We start allowing people to show up just for a dinner or 2, we eat the cost of the racetrack we contracted for along with other venue commitments we have made plus a negotiated hotel room block commitment priced below what you find on the 3rd party websites.

    We are committed for this event and the rules stand. Period. If the general membership wants an ala carte NVE in the next location it will not have all the cool things built into the agenda for a fun vacation. This means people lose interest in traveling and then our NVEs are no longer a viable plan for our members.

    NVE4 is almost sold out, the Friday night is sold out so I'm thinking there are 30%++ of our members are in.

    Unlimtd, since you have such a strong opinion on how NVEs should be managed how about you help use plan the next one. We're 2 years out and starting the plans as I write this.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Herrsss View Post
    All of you have lost sight of the "old club" versus the "new club". The old club enjoyed massive financial support from the manufacturer. Dodge paid for almost everything for the VOIs so they could pick and choose attendance. Dodge has taken the position they will not support either club therefore these events must pay for themselves.

    The cost associated with it is over $500,000 which makes it an all or nothing attendance situation. We start allowing people to show up just for a dinner or 2, we eat the cost of the racetrack we contracted for along with other venue commitments we have made plus a negotiated hotel room block commitment priced below what you find on the 3rd party websites.

    We are committed for this event and the rules stand. Period. If the general membership wants an ala carte NVE in the next location it will not have all the cool things built into the agenda for a fun vacation. This means people lose interest in traveling and then our NVEs are no longer a viable plan for our members.

    NVE4 is almost sold out, the Friday night is sold out so I'm thinking there are 30%++ of our members are in.

    Unlimtd, since you have such a strong opinion on how NVEs should be managed how about you help use plan the next one. We're 2 years out and starting the plans as I write this.
    Thank you for your post. Sure. I will help. I think that you can do a la carte if you price it correctly. As much as we would like to think that all Viper people have the funds available to pay full boat for an NVE, I do not think that is true any more, if it was ever true at all. ( I do but that is not relevant to the issue.) I would be prepared to pay a premium to attend the closing dinner at this NVE and donate an additional amount to St Judes Children's hospital if that makes it more palatable. I know most of my fellow geezers ( Legends) at the other dinner and periodically have kept up with some of them and a non geezer SRT Viper person. LOL.

  21. #21
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    I don't have the funds available, International Flights, Hotel Accommodation, NVE Tickets for myself and Partner, added Car rental.

    Spending money and I would not have my car with me

  22. #22
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    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboy 18 View Post
    I don't have the funds available, International Flights, Hotel Accommodation, NVE Tickets for myself and Partner, added Car rental.

    Spending money and I would not have my car with me
    Not to mention masks, hand sanitizer, and $$$ for Merchandise Purchases......

    Not-So-Fond Memory of where the VCA money went:
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 03-05-2020 at 03:37 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    Hell, Brits might even have to go into quarantine



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