I switched out the SRT Stripes for the GTS stripes? which do you think looks better?
I switched out the SRT Stripes for the GTS stripes? which do you think looks better?
Last edited by V10 Snake; 03-01-2020 at 07:41 PM.
IMO, 2nd one looks better, but the sticker badge is too big. I'd get a sticker badge that is OEM size like the ones on the TA and ACR.
One big reason i changed is that i like when the stripes go down the rear deck lid and rear bumper on the Gen V (3rd pic). Looks wicked and aggressive when driving from behind. Didnt like how the SRT stripes ended on the top of the trunk
GTS stripes but the red on the side needs to go. Silver on white looks great
I watched the install and after the silver stripes were finished it looked like something was missing. Thats when the red was added.
Either looks good. I always like a Viper with stripes but the red does not look good. Sorry.
I prefer full GTS stripes over SRT ones. Since you have the Red Interior. GTS stripes look good without the red, but maybe a thin red line (like on the SRT stripes) might look better than the thick one and still tie in the Red interior.
Yep, like the GTS stripes better and with the pinstriping like shown on the SRT striping. Guess I didn't know the SRT stripes ended on the deck lid.
GTS stripes wins for me. I actually took few glances before I decided
Get rid of the red pinstripes. Yikes.
In the bottom right pic, I like the red pinstriping if it had the red viper badge from the first pic. The badge is way too big. The pinstriping looks good thin like that. In the other pics, it looks way too thick, plus the GTS silver stripes would be better off without it.
GTS stripes. I'd lose the red.
GTS stripes. Replace red with black if you must have pin stripes.
When looking at the pics for the first time I immediately preferred the SRT stripe as it didn't seem so dominant and pronounced. After reading other's comments I think it was probably also the narrower red stripe that I preferred, and the standard size decal would finish it off nicely for me. Is there no way to continue the SRT stripe down the rear?
But if the GTS stripe is your final preference then maybe the narrower red stripe, or red stripe delete could be the ultimate crowd pleaser! I also think the narrow stripe in black would be a good choice.
Good luck!
Agree with the comments that state the red striping would tie in with the interior , and it is simply that the use of a more subtle, thin red pin striping pulls that together. We did a car similar to that years back and " thin is in!!"
I actually like the GTS stripe with the red pinstriping
Last edited by Ghost410; 03-02-2020 at 10:11 AM.
My opinion you want the red pin stripes, then make them much thinner and put on on the both sides of the stripes. There is an owner on here who did that with a white car, blue rally stripes, red pin stripes. Looked really nice. I think it was IHOP. can't recall....
Photo of the car on the track appears on the main page banner occasionally...
for some reason (maybe the gray?) the stripes your currently have don't look right to me...BUT my opinion changed with this car. This might be the car I was describing above... maybe the stripes were only on the outside.
There are a few things going on here that make this look right, and the OP's car to look a bit "off". As others have said, the thickness of the red stripe is one of the problems. It needs to be much thinner, but doing that in vinyl will require laying down an entire 10" wide stripe in red (that is the general measurement, but it varies from 9" - 12" I believe), then lay down a white stripe, and then the silver. IMO, that is the only way that you can get a very thin red stripe to appear as an outline of the silver. And, with this approach, you can make it as thin as you like. The issue of course is that you are laying down three layers of vinyl to get that effect.
The other issue is the spacing of the red stripe from the silver. In the photo above, the red is spaced much further from the blue stripe, which could tend to make the red appear thinner than it is.
Lastly, the blue stripe in the photo above is what catches your eye, whereas on OP's car the red is what catches the eye because the silver is a much less bold color. So the OP has to be especially cautious about how he handles the red -- i.e. the width of the red, and the spacing away from the primary stripe color.
Much of this stuff is trial and error to get it looking just right. What looks good on photoshop is not always what looks good IRL. You can go through a bunch of vinyl figuring it out. Ask me how I know![]()
BIG THANKS to all that replied. Like most have said, it was trial an error. I added the red last minute and originally had a thinner stripe. I think I know what is throwing everyone off. The silver stripes are tapered. Got the factory measurements from a fellow forum member. I had intentions of just adding the silver but it looked unfinished. The red stripes were an after thought. so they are tapered too! Could this be what looks 'off'??
as someone else also mentioned, the red stripe is too close to the silver.. Guess i need to take another drive up to north jersey!!